1 2 page memo to cio
For this assignment, you are to work independentlyand write a 1-2 page memo(not including references page) to the CIO that identifies more than seven success criteriafor implementation of enterprise systems, for the category of enterprise systems assigned to your group (ERP, SCM, CRM, etc.). (NOTE: More than seven success criteria are required to receive all possible points; see Grading Rubric below.)
- Each of these success criteria should be briefly explainedand then related to how they would be appliedduring an implementation of the assigned category of enterprise systems within the CIO’s organization.
- Discuss how each of the success criteria relates, on a larger scale, to satisfying the enterprise architecture. Some areas to consider include the structure of the organization and its processes and culture; other aspects of a proposed implementation relate to the phases of the system development life cycle (needs analysis, design, development, implementation, maintenance).
- The case studies your group is using may be a good source of ideas. The criteria you identify must be applicable to enterprise systems (in the category assigned to your group) and should come from your research.
Important:Often students write this memo from the perspective of what it looks like to have a successful implementation of ES/EA. Instead, the focus should be on the criteria that will help you be successful! There is a difference here. For example, cost savings is the result but not necessarily the success criteria leading up to it. Now you could contribute cost savings to the fact that you had executive buy-in with sustained sponsorship (this could be an example) or other criteria that includes re-engineering of business processes as contributors. Please orient this memo such that you look at success criteria as the “drivers” for a good implementation. Also, please remember to put this into a memo format that looks professional. Please remember that the CIO has limited time and you should get to the key points quickly. Please refer to the grading rubric and carefully follow the assignment instructions!
You are to use a Microsoft Word memo template.The use of at least three external scholarly resources (in addition to your case studies and other class materials) is required. (NOTE: More than three external resources are required to receive all possible points; see Grading Rubric below.) You should use scholarly journals(rather than Wikipedia and authorless website postings). If you need assistance with determining what a scholarly journal is, the UMUC library is a very good source of information, accessed via the following link: http://www.umuc.edu/library/libhow/articles.cfm.
Remember to correctly cite and reference all sources. Since you are writing a memo, you should use in-text citations and list the references on a separate page at the end.
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