Try to attempt to take the conversation further by examining their claims or arguments in more depth or responding to the posts that they make to you. Keep the discussion on target and try to analyze things in as much detail as you can. 100 words or more.
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A couple of years ago I worked at a law firm that specialized in insurance defense and had been around for about ninety years. During this time I worked as a secretary for a lawyer who had been practicing law Maritime Law for about 30 years. Just a brief explanation, Maritime Law covers cargo ships that ships goods around the world. It’s the law of the sea. I remember having a conversation with her about how she decided to become a lawyer. She went on to tell how when she first considered law school she was told by many that women were not good lawyer and will never have a place in a male dominated field and she would be better off being a secretary that supports the lawyer. That didn’t stop her and she is recognized as a top Maritime Lawyer and is still practicing law in a field that she is passionate about. I have been working in the legal field for about 10 years and have seen very few men that are secretaries is this because of the job title? There are many career fields that are consided only for males and many are fighting for equal pay and a equal chance for women in these male dominated fields. |