Answer the following
Question Description
- Each essay must be at least one double-spaced page in length.
- “Essay form” means NO Bullet points, lists of items, abbreviations, or “short answer” responses.
- You may not use numbers (e.g. 1,2,3) or letters (e.g. a.b.c.) to designate your answer.
- Good grammar and correct spelling is required. Do NOT use “etc.” in your answers. 5 points off!
- Reply in full sentences only.
- Papers with more than 21% matching (firm) in SafeAssign with or without appropriate in-text citations will be graded according to the discretion of the Instructor.
- You may check your percentage of matching at the “Final Exam Essays” upload site from Tuesday December 11 from 8 am until 11:00 pm same day). You may have 4 attempts at checking your percentage before turning your Essays in for grading. The last attempt you turn in will be graded.
- Don’t repeat the question in your answer, as it will only add to the SafeAssign “matching” total.
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are required to have a “References” page as your last page.In addition…
- If you quote or paraphrase your text, you are expected to cite it, using an in-text citation.
- Use APA, MLA or Turabian to cite all sources.
- If you quote or paraphrase your text, you are expected to cite it, using an in-text citation.
- Remember to include all citations and references on the “References” page at the end of the paper.
Essay #1: According to Kettner, there are three major models of the budgetary process. Name and explain how these three models “work” by comparing and contrasting their major qualities. What are the rationale and focus for each? Suppose you were in a new agency position where you had to choose one of the three models for your Agency’s budgetary system.Which one would be the “safest” to choose and why? (From class discussion, text).
Essay #2: Both “APEX-PH” and “MAPP” yield an analysis of community health status and health needs. In brief, what does each approach include?How does each support either the medical model of needs assessment and planning, or the population health model? As discussed in class, what factor seems to determine which approach is chosen by each county? Pick one APEX-PH model and one MAPP model IPLAN (of the ten we profiled this semester) to illustrate this “determining” factor (you may choose DeKalb County’s IPLAN as one of your two plans). Which approach to needs assessment is more comprehensive? Give three reasons why the more comprehensive method of analysis (MAPP) is more inclusive one, using your two chosen plans.
Essay #3:Strategic Planning has been a focus for class activity and learning this semester. Using the outline of the Strategic Planning process provided in M. Shumaker’s class E-Lecture presentation (Week 13), your Allison text, and class discussion, provide one example for each of the following elements:
(1) financial versus non-financial benefits of using Strategic Planning; (2) vision and mission statements;
(3) external threats and opportunities.Why are each of these elements important to strategic planning success?If any one of the three elements was missing from the process, what would likely happen to the process itself? (Discuss the importance of each element by itself).
Essay #4:Allison and Kaye, in their Strategic Planning text, outline four key concepts which define the practice of successful strategic planning attempts. The authors also discuss four additional “keys to effective strategic planning”, practical advice for the community planner, in their pursuit of sound planning strategies. How do these two lists of strategies and processes work together to help produce desired community results? Give at least four examples, one for each of the “key concepts” listed in the text.
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