APA Sample Paper

Please upload your individual APA sample paper here by Thursday, 24 January.

Discuss one topic which you enjoyed over the Winter Break

APA Format

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You are required to submit all of your work following the American Psychological Association’s format guidelines (e.g., 12 Times New Roman Font, double spaced, etc.). Most, if not all instructors will require you to submit your papers following some specific formatting guidelines, which is often the APA’s version. You might consider buying the official “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association” (currently 6th Edition) or the smaller “APA Pocket Handbook.” However, these texts are not required for this class. Instead, you can find plenty of online resources. Here are a few of the best ones:

APA Style: https://www.apastyle.org/index

APA General Format and Guidelines: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

APA Format Sample Paper: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/18/

APA Format Overview and Workshop: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/

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