For this paper, you will write a rhetorical analysis of a text of your choice: article, protest song, political cartoon, advertisement, commercial, etc. The “text” should connect to our course theme: Race Class, and Gender in the United States. Remember, when writing an analysis, you are considering all aspects of the “text” and discussing why the speakers made specific choices, and how these choices communicate the speakers’ overall purpose.

In the paper, you should complete the following: Describe: The rhetorical situation. –Who is the speaker? –What is the subject? –Who is the intended audience? –What is the context? –What is the medium? Analyze: The speakers’ purpose and use of rhetoric. –What question is the speaker asking about the subject? –What is the purpose (initial purpose and overall message)? –Why do you think the speaker chose this particular medium to communicate his or her message? –What types of rhetoric (ethos, logos, pathos) does the speaker use to convey his or her purpose? –How is the speaker effective at communicating his or her purpose? Note: You will need to provide at least two examples of each type of rhetoric (logos, ethos, and pathos) in the paper. Themes: Discuss how the speaker explores a specific social issue in the “text” (For example: class/status, violence, fear mongering, discrimination, police brutality, privilege, racism, sexism, etc.). –How does the speaker address this specific issue? –What evidence can be used to support the speaker’s ideas about how the issues are handled in society? –How does the issue connect to the larger theme or narrative the speaker is attempting to explore? –How do the issues connect to our current time? Respond: Discuss your personal experiences. –In what way do your perspectives and personal experiences impact your understanding of the “text”? –Discuss whether you identify with the social issue being addressed and why? –What insights did you gain from the “text”? Note: As you consider your responses, make sure you are using evidence from the course readings and other resources as support.

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