CAPSIM Introduction and Overview
Question description
APA Format
At Least 3 References
500 Words
Company: Digby (Low End Dell)
Assignment Objectives:
Demonstrate the integration and utilization of key concepts and knowledge from prior courses to solve the selected problem
Research current trends and utilize program concepts to support the project solution
Assignment Description:
Write 500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Review the Industry Conditions Report and CapStone Courier found in the Reports section of the left hand menu in the CapSim simulation. Also, review the CapStone Team Member Guide. Based on your initial review of the CAPSIM Capstone Business Simulation, what have you have identified as the key business issues that will impact your company? Prepare to discuss this issue with the other members of your team.
Your discussion should include the following:
- Discuss the current situation in the CapSim simulation and the recent changes to the industry and competitive environment.
- What competitive challenge is faced by your company? What are the opportunities and threats (Pettus, Ch. 4)?
- Applying the business level strategies discussed in Pettus, Chapter 4, and market segment strategies discussed on page 24 of the Team Member Guide, explore possible strategic directions for your company and various sensor products. Reading and responding to the posts of your teammates is highly recommended.
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