cell biology and genetics 1
MN551-1: Integrate knowledge of advanced physiology and pathophysiology across the lifespan with the clinical implications for the advanced practice nurse.
Case Study: Cell Biology and Genetics
Below are several case studies. Your instructor will either assign you a case study or have you select one. If all of the case studies have not been covered, your instructor may assign a case study that no one has covered. Be sure to integrate your knowledge of advanced physiology and pathophysiology across the lifespan with the clinical implications for the advanced practice nurse.
Case Study Posting Requirements
- Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
- Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks, or evidenced-based websites to support the content.
- All sources must be within five years.
- Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.
Case Study 1 Marsha and Clement are both carriers of sickle cell disease, a disease that is autosomal recessive. Their first child, Amelia, does not have the disease. Marsha and Clement are planning another pregnancy, but they are concerned about their second child having the condition. Clement’s dad died from complications of sickle cell disease shortly before Amelia was born.
Case Study 2 Maria is a sedentary, 68-year-old woman who is overweight. She complains that her hands and feet are always cold, and she tires quickly when cleaning the house. At her most recent visit to her doctor, her blood pressure was 184/98 mm Hg. She has edema around her ankles and legs, and her physician is concerned about an echocardiogram that indicates Maria has an enlarged heart.
Case Study 3 Kevin worked for 10 years at a uranium mine, excavating uranium for a nearby nuclear power plant. Now, 25 years later, he has small cell lung cancer. Kevin is anorexic and has lost a considerable amount of weight. His muscles are wasting, and he is weak. He tries to move around the house throughout the day but tires easily. It has been difficult for him to access care, and the treatment for his cancer is just starting.
Case Study 4 Felicity is a very busy 29-year-old woman in a professional career. She has diabetes mellitus, and is also pregnant for the first time. Due to her busy schedule, it took her three weeks to visit the family doctor to have the pregnancy confirmed. Felicity became very concerned when her physician asked whether she had been taking folic acid. It was all Felicity could do to remember to manage her insulin levels, and taking folic acid supplements was something she hadn’t even considered. Her doctor told her to take 600 μg of folic acid daily and advised Felicity to return later for maternal serum marker testing.
Assignment Requirements:
Before finalizing your work, you should:
- Ensure you have written at least four double-spaced pages.
- be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
- consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
- utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
- follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
- be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
- display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
- use APA 6th Edition format.
How to Submit
Submit your Assignment to the unit Dropbox before midnight on the last day of the unit.
When you are ready to submit your Assignment select the unit dropbox. Make sure to save a copy of the Assignment you submit. Please be sure to confirm that your file uploaded correctly.
To see your assignment instructions and grading rubric, go to Course Resources / Grading Rubrics.
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