
Compose a PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following prompt:

Students will be required to develop a persuasive presentation on the controversial political or social issue they wrote about in Expository Essay 2. Students must discuss this issue from the perspective of Bronfenbrenner’s theory. This should not be an opinion presentation, but should be presented as a persuasive presentation in third-person format, using fact-based arguments.

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For this persuasive presentation, students must convince the audience that a specific system of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological systems model is more important for development of the self (and other outcomes) than the other systems (e.g., the microsystem is the most important system because….). To do so effectively, students will also need to convince the audience that the other systems are less important (e.g., the macrosystem is relatively unimportant because…). In the presentation, student must cite Chapter 8 of the DSS100 iBook, along with TWO current events/news sources relevant to Modern America. Therefore, this presentation requires a minimum of three sources.

Presentation Requirements:

* 5-7 minutes

* 6-10 slides

* 6 x 6 rules – you must have a maximum of 6 sentences, maximum 6 words each per slide

* You must use APA citations on each slide, where appropriate

* You must have a reference page as your last slide

* You must use a speaking outline (to avoid looking backward at your slides)

* Presentations will be assessed using the Dialogues of Learning oral communication rubric, which is provided on Canvas along with these assignment guidelines

Submission Requirements:

* You must submit your presentation (in PowerPoint or PDF format) to Canvas by the start of class on Monday, 5/6. If you are using Prezi, you must submit a working link of the presentation to Canvas.

* You must also submit a video recording of your in-class presentation to Canvas immediately after giving it in class. Your presentation will not be graded until the recording is uploaded.

* I did my essay on gun control so this is what the presentation has to be on*

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