critical thinking case study part 4

We have been offering dedicated medical and nursing writing services to nursing students for several years. Our nursing papers are meticulously crafted to meet the highest academic standards and adhere to the prescribed referencing formats, including APA, MLA, and Chicago style. Our team comprises seasoned nursing writers who possess extensive knowledge and expertise across a wide range of nursing topics. Whether it’s assignments, research papers, case studies, literature reviews, or any other task, our writers are well-equipped to handle them proficiently.

Critical Thinking Case Study Part 4

Decision, Evaluation and Reflection

After you have read through the section on the Critical Thinking Model in Chapter 4 in your text:

  • Again read Case 28 – Entitled “The Box” (ATTACHED)
  • Submit to the drop box in MLA format – Place your name, the professor’s name, the course name and the date in the upper left hand corner. Include a Work Cited page, (see drop box rules).
  • Use your answers in modules 4 through 6 to guide your decision.
  • Decision – Write what you believe is the wisest, most ethical decision. Next, in a full paragraph, clearly justify and support your decision. A justification is needed. You may want to use the theories or your own philosophy. What would justify your decision to all of the stakeholders? 150 word minimum
  • Evaluation – Last, list three objections to your proposed resolution and defend against each objection to justify your resolution. 150 word minimum
  • Reflection – In one paragraph reflect on the process of critical thinking. Share what you think of the Critical Thinking Model.
  • In one paragraph reflect on the process of critical thinking. Share what you think of the Critical Thinking Model.
  • Examples:
        • Have I or would I use this model or part of it in my everyday life.
        • What did I learn from this process?
        • What ethical principles do I rely on consistently?
        • etc.

      200 word minimum. Include word count.




    Ethics Applied



    The most ethical resolution for ___ is to ______________________________.

    Paragraph – This decision is morally justified because………….(in this paragraph(s) thoroughly justify your decision).


    1. Objection –

    Defense –

    2. Objection –

    Defense –

    3. Objection –



    One full paragraph reflect on the process of critical thinking

    Works Cited

    • Review the Drop Box Grading Criteria in the file below.
    • Do not use quotes unless specifically requested by your instructor. Use your own words.


    Drop Box Rules

    You should not submit more than once (except for originality issues – see below), so be sure your assignment is complete.

    • Attach your submission in the proper MS Word format .doc or .docx or .rtf.
    • Exporting a Pages File as Word Format from the Mac with Pages App
      • Open the Pages file you want to convert / save to Word format into the Pages app for OS X.
      • Go to the “File” menu and choose “Export To”, then select “Word” from the sub-menu list.
      • Then upload the word document into the drop box.
    • To receive full credit use MLA format. Place your name, the professor’s name, the course name and the date in the upper left hand corner. Include a Work Cited page.
    • Include your word count.
    • Use your own words and give credit (citations). See Understanding Plagiarism Activity and How to Avoid Plagiarism in Module 1 – Academic Integrity.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to check your Originality Report and resubmit before the due date if needed. Highlighted areas should only be citations, names and properly cited quotes (if your professor allows quotations). To learn how to view your originality report, go to Course Content-MyCourses Tutorials-Dropbox-Viewing a TurnItIn (Originality Report).
    • If you have any technical problems contact Technical Support immediately. Their contact information is online -727-341-HELP.

    STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY – after submitting your assignment, view your work to be sure it was submitted properly.

    We have been offering dedicated medical and nursing writing services to nursing students for several years. Our nursing papers are meticulously crafted to meet the highest academic standards and adhere to the prescribed referencing formats, including APA, MLA, and Chicago style. Our team comprises seasoned nursing writers who possess extensive knowledge and expertise across a wide range of nursing topics. Whether it’s assignments, research papers, case studies, literature reviews, or any other task, our writers are well-equipped to handle them proficiently.

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