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1-2 page submission.

  1. Determine the best of the lean practices would fit into your organization and why?

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  3. What tools and techniques of lean would be most effective for your organization and why? (Select two or more)
    • Five-S workplace organization, Visual workplace systems, Layout, Standardized work (SW), Point of use storage (POUS), Batch size reduction, Quick changeover (QCO), Poka-yoke, Self-inspection, Automation, Pull systems/Kanban, Cellular and flow, Just-in-time (JIT), Total productive maintenance (TPM), Value stream mapping (VSM), Change management, Teamwork.
  4. Using the structure for quality improvement steps, describe how you would implement your lean practice strategy.
    • Establish a quality council: (who, when, where, how often).

    • Create a statement of responsibilities for your quality council.

    • Establish the necessary infrastructure.
      • Discuss the role that subcommittees or project improvement teams would play? Why would it be beneficial to have a team?
      • Would you need quality managers or quality training programs?
      • Would you need to develop any further structure improvement processes?
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