discussion assignment re defining quot family quot

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Discussion Assignment: (Re) defining “Family”

Now that you have been thinking about the concept of family, in what ways have your perceptions stayed the same? In what ways have they changed?

For some people, the word family may conjure an image of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. For others, their mom or two Dads and a younger sister. There are any numbers of family groupings and many include close friends and pets. As well, families include more than people; families are about interactions, rituals, and parenting/caregiving practices.

Take time to think about what family means to you, who in your family influenced you as a child and in what ways? Were there particular rituals, triumphs, challenges related to growing up in your family that come to mind? After you have taken time to think about your family and childhood:

Create a visual or audio representation of what family means to you—such as a collage, a photograph, a poem, a song, a sculpture.

Them write a brief summary that includes: (what I would consider my family is far more stretch than a typical family. Coming from a Latin culture my family’s considered grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, friends and down to the last pet. I experienced culture shock when I entered middle school to see what some of my when they referred to family they meant just their parents. For me this new concept of what my friend’s thoughts were their family was mom, dad, siblings, and grandparents. For me growing up, was a joyful time my Mom were extremely hard working she taught me that family unity was the basic foundation in our family dynamic. I remember the family gathering on holidays, they were so special To me family are the primary source and the ones who teach us valuable life lessons).

What you hoped to illustrate in your representation of family and what you learned from the process

Your personal working definition of family including the people (andor pets) who come to mind

How understanding your family, along with having a comprehensive definition of family, can help you become more “in tune” with the children and families with whom you work and why this is essential to effective equity pedagogy (e.g., Anti-Bias Education)


Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, DC: NAEYC.

Beginning to Begin, p.19

Becoming an Anti-Bias Teacher: A Developmental Journey, pp.20–23

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