ethical issues discussion 3
Respond to the stated question, including any relevance to and implications on the field of criminal justice. Be sure to discuss the issue(s) to which the question pertain(s). Remarks can include your opinion(s), but must be based on experience, research, and/or prior learning. Use this exercise to foster a rich dialogue with your colleagues about issues that are important to the field of criminal justice.
Read the article, “Miranda is not the Problem: Police Deception Is,” by Dave Kopel regarding police interrogation. It is understood that this article could be slanted one way or the other, but for the moment let’s agree that the information is true, and if so, what are your thoughts about the interrogation methods and if they violate any ethical principles? APA format and at least 550-words
I have attached the link…
If the link doesn’t work google, “Miranda is not the Problem: Police Deception Is”
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