first of the four part paper
This a work with 4 parts. I’ll to choose the same person for all parts.
- Part 1
- Chose a company or industry (it could be your present or past employer):
- In at least a minimum of 1 page provide:
- Title Page
- Abstract (You already know what the paper will entail)
- Overview of the organization i.e. background of the company, mission statement and vision statement (where applicable) Include its products/services, size, location etc.
Cite and reference your work in APA format.
- Use MSWord ®
- Double spaced, text font size 12 (titles and headers maybe 12-16).
- APA style
- Appendix format (research information, charts, graphs or other visuals should be placed in the Appendix section, where appropriate)
- Bibliography (sources of information, cited references, etc.)
- Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (see list provided)
- The textbook can be used as a reference.
- Title Page with Title of the assignment, Students’ Names, Date, Course, & Instructor’s Name
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