go16 ac ch03 grader 3g as workshop rooms

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GO16_AC_CH03_GRADER_3G_AS – Workshop Rooms

Project Description:

In this project, you will use a database to track workshops and the rooms where the workshops are held at a college. You will create forms, add and delete records by using a form, filter records, and modify a form in Layout view and Design view. You will create reports, modify a report in Layout view and Design view, group data in a report, and keep grouped data together for a printed report.


For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Access. Open the downloaded file named go_a03_grader_a3_Workshop_Rooms.accdb, and enable the content. View the relationship between the Rooms table and the Workshops table. One room can be used for many workshops. Close the Relationships window.



Use the Form tool to create a form based on the Workshops table. Save the form as Workshop Form and then display the form in Form view. Using the Workshop Form, add the following new record to the underlying Workshops table:

Workshop IDW-5034

Workshop NameJob Portfolio

Room IDRM-208

# Registrations23

Workshop CategoryGuide to Finding a Job



Find the record for the Workshop ID of W-5020 and then delete it. Find the record for the Workshop ID of W-5034. From the Print dialog box and the Setup option, change the column size width of a printed form to 7.5 inches. Save the form.



Use the Filter By Form tool to create a filter for the Workshop Form that displays records with a Workshop Category of Guide to Finding a Job or Keeping a Job. After verifying that 15 records match the filter criteria, toggle the filter off to display all 24 records. Save and close the form.



Use the Form Wizard to create a form based on the Rooms table. Add the following fields (in this order) to the form: Rental Fee, Capacity, Equipment, Podium, and Internet. Apply a columnar layout and name the form Room Form.



With the Room Form displayed in Layout view, apply the Stacked layout to all of the controls. Apply the Integral theme to this form only. Select the title—Room Form. Change the font size to 24, apply bold, and change the font color to Dark Teal, Text 2, Darker 50% (under Theme Colors, in the fourth column, the last color). Save the form.



With the Room Form displayed in Layout view, from the Field List pane, add the Room ID field to the form directly above the Rental Fee controls. Close the Field List pane. In the form, move the Internet controls directly above the Equipment controls. Change the width of the Equipment text box control to 2.5 inches. Save the form.



With the Room Form displayed in Layout view, select all six text box controls and change the background color to Turquoise, Accent 1, Lighter 80% (under Theme Colors, in the fifth column, the second color). Select all six label controls and change the font color to Dark Teal, Text 2, Darker 50% (under Theme Colors, in the fourth column, the last color). For the same controls, apply bold and change the width to 1.25 inches.



With the Room Form displayed in Layout view, select the six label controls and the six text box controls. Change the font size to 12 and change the height to 0.25 inch. Save the form.



With the Room Form displayed in Design view, change the height of the Form Footer section to 0.5 inch. Add a label control to the Form Footer section that displays Texas Lakes Workshop Rooms. For the selected label control, change the font color to Dark Teal, Text 2, Darker 50% (under Theme Colors, in the fourth column, the last color). Apply bold to the label control and change the width to 2.1 inches. For the same label control, set the Top property to 0.1 inch and the Left property to 1 inch. Close the Property Sheet and save the form.



With the Room Form displayed in Form view, add the following new record to the underlying Rooms table:

Room IDRM-218

Rental Fee300



EquipmentProjector and Surround Sound

PodiumMaster Electronic Podium



Close the form. Use the Report tool to create a report based on the Workshops With Wireless Connection Query object. With the report displayed in Layout view, apply the Retrospect theme to only the report. Delete the Workshop Category field from the report. Change the width of the Room ID text box controls to 1 inch. Change the width of the Workshop Name text box controls to 3.5 inches. Sort the records in ascending order by the Workshop Name field.



With the report displayed in Layout view, at the bottom of the form, delete the calculated control that displays 14 and the line that displays above the calculated control. Add a calculated control that sums the # Registrations field. Change the height of the calculated control that displays 319 to 0.25 inch. For the page number control, set the Left property to 2.75 inches. Select the title of the report. Change the font size to 14 and apply bold. In the title, change the word Query to Report. In the body of the report, for the Room ID field name, set the Left property to 1.25 inches (the Room ID text box controls move to the right, and all of the other fields also move to the right). Save the report as Workshops With Wireless Connection Report. Close the Property Sheet and the report.



Use the Report Wizard to create a report based on the Workshops table. Add the following fields (in this order) to the report: Workshop Category, Workshop Name, and # Registrations. Group the data by the Workshop Category field and sort the records in ascending order by the Workshop Name field. Summarize the report by summing the # Registrations field. Be sure the layout is Stepped and the orientation is Portrait. Name the report Registrations by Workshop Category Report and finish the wizard.



Display the Registrations by Workshop Category Report in Layout view. Apply the Ion Boardroom theme to this report only. Select the title of the report, change the font size to 22, then apply bold. Delete the controls that begin with Summary for ‘Workshop Category’. At the top of the report, apply bold to the three label controls that display the field names. Change the width of the Workshop Name text box controls to 4 inches. Set the Left property of the # Registrations label control to 6.75 inches. Save the report.



With the Registrations by Workshop Category Report displayed in Layout view, at the bottom of the report, in the last column, select the following three controls: the text box control that displays 20, the calculated control that displays 56, and the calculated control that displays 580. Set the Left property to 7 inches. At the bottom of the report, change the width of the Grand Total label control to 1 inch. Change the text in the label control that displays Sum to Total Registrations by Workshop Category, then set the Left property for this control to 3.5 inches. Change the height of the Workshop Name text box controls to 0.35 inch. Close the Property Sheet and save the report.



Display the Registrations by Workshop Category Report in Design view. Select the following two controls: the Total Registrations by Workshop Category label control (in the Workshop Category Footer section) and the Grand Total label control (in the Report Footer section). Align the right edges of the two selected controls. Save the report.



Display the Registrations by Workshop Category Report in Print Preview as two pages and notice how the groupings break across the pages. Display the report in Layout view and open the Group, Sort, and Total pane. Set the grouping option so that each group of category records is kept together on one page when the report is printed. Close the Group, Sort, and Total pane. Display the report in Print Preview and notice that the groupings are not split between pages.Save and close the report.



If necessary, close all database objects and open the Navigation Pane. Close Access and submit the database as directed.


Total Points


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