Medical literature review is a systematized description of the main postulates of information sources used to write a dissertation on a selected medical problem.

Why is a literature review of medicine needed?
The main goal of the literature review is a detailed analysis of previous studies of domestic / foreign scientists in the area under consideration, necessary to identify “gaps” / shortcomings in the relevant medical industry.
The author’s task is to reasonably substantiate the rationality of future research, proving its relevance / prospects for the development of modern medicine.

How to write a good medical literature review?

To write a competent, high-quality literary review on medicine, the author is advised to follow the detailed instructions, consisting of six basic steps.

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  1. Choose the required presentation form

A clear, well-thought-out structure of the main sections of the review will facilitate the reader’s perception of the material, improving the overall impression of the work done. This approach will help to avoid the need for additional text revisions. The style of presentation is scientific, without bureaucratic / common expressions not on the main topic of the thesis.

  1. We design the text according to the requirements of GOST

The literary review is compiled in 12-point size Times New Roman (less often – Courier New) with one and a half line spacing.

Recommended margins: left – 3 cm, top – 3 cm, right – 1 cm, bottom – 2 cm.

  1. We compose the content of the text and coordinate it with the scientific advisormedical literature review

The text of the literary review contains complete, in-depth information about the problem under consideration and corresponds to the topic of the dissertation. If the document is drawn up taking into account these conditions, the supervisor will approve it even with minor deviations from the recommended volume.

  1. Determine the scope of the review (depending on the chosen topic of the dissertation / medical direction)

The approximate volume of this section is up to 30 pages of printed text (excluding bibliography).

The recommended number of pages of literature review for Ph.D. theses in some medical areas:

  • Therapeutic specialties (including obstetrics, gynecology) – 30-32;
  • Surgery (traumatology, polytrauma) – 20-23;
  • Dentistry – 25-27 (depending on the type and volume of the dissertation research);
  • General hygiene – up to 20.

Recommended number of literature review sheets for doctoral dissertations in a number of medical fields:

  • Gynecology (therapy, obstetrics) – 40-42 (depends on the amount of scientific work);
  • Surgery – 30-40;
  • Orthopedics, traumatology – up to 40;
  • Dentistry – up to 38.
  • The final volume of the review is determined by the level of relevance of the topic under consideration and the number of reviewed literary sources on the topic of the dissertation.
  1. We draw up links to used literary sources

There are two types of links to used information sources:

  • Initials, surname of the author of the work, year of publication of the source (the method allows you to slightly increase the volume of lithographs);
  • Numbers in square brackets corresponding to the ordinal number of the source in the bibliography (a drawback of this type of design is the inability to add new sources due to the likelihood of a violation of the sequence of reference numbering).
  1. Working out the list of information sources

The list of reviewed literary sources is compiled in strict accordance with the requirements.

Where can I get information for a medical literature review?

To write an objective literary review of medicine, foreign sources are used.
Search for materials on the problem under consideration
When compiling a document, the author is allowed to use materials from journal articles, literary reviews of dissertations on the topic of scientific work and abstracts.

How to work properly with medical literature reviews by other researchers?

1. Changing the style / form of presentation is a mandatory, but difficult condition for medical dissertations.
2. Selection of materials, which considered the research of foreign authors on the selected problem of scientific work. This approach guarantees the objectivity of the presented data and will inspire confidence among the future potential audience.
3. Some reviews use outdated information, so care should be taken when selecting suitable materials for analysis.
4. A low level of uniqueness is a common problem among many dissertation candidates, therefore, when borrowing information, the author must take into account the indicators of the AntiPlagiarism program.

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