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for this assignment, we must only add some code to the already given code, which is this following code:

* LinkedList.h – implements a LinkedList ADT
* Adam Carter
* Aaron Crandall
* Copyright 2017 – Instructional use only
* LL class designed to implement the C++11 BigFive
* These interfaces are explicitly coded for instruction
#include <stdexcept>
#include <initializer_list>
#include Indexed.h
#include ListNode.h
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
class LinkedList : public Indexed < T >
ListNode<T> *_front = nullptr; // Head of list pointer
ListNode<T> *_end = nullptr; // End of list pointer
int _size = 0; // Running count of nodes in list
int _last_accessed_index = 0; // Tracking accesses for some functions
ListNode<T> *_last_accessed_node = nullptr; // Tracking last accessed node for copies
ListNode<T> *getFront()
return _front;
ListNode<T> *getEnd()
return _end;
virtual ListNode<T> *createNode(T value)
return new ListNode < T > { value };
virtual void deleteNode(ListNode<T> *node)
delete node;
//can be used to return a ListNode<T> at a specific index.
ListNode<T> *getNodeAtIndex(int index)
//check to see if index is valid
if (index < 0 || index >= getSize())
throw out_of_range(Invalid index.);
//which is closer: last accessed, the end, or the front?
int counter = 0;
ListNode<T> *starting_node = _front;
if (index >= _last_accessed_index && _last_accessed_node != nullptr)
starting_node = _last_accessed_node;
counter = _last_accessed_index;
if (index == _size – 1)
starting_node = _end;
counter = _size – 1;
//keeps track of where we’re at in our LL
ListNode<T> *current = starting_node;
while (counter < index && current != nullptr)
current = current->getNext();
_last_accessed_index = index;
_last_accessed_node = current;
//return desired node
return current;
//Note: cannot set last indexed node in const version of the above code
const ListNode<T> *getNodeAtIndex(int index) const
//check to see if index is valid
if (index < 0 || index >= getSize())
throw out_of_range(Invalid index.);
//which is closer: last accessed, the end, or the front?
int counter = 0;
ListNode<T> *starting_node = _front;
if (index >= _last_accessed_index && _last_accessed_node != nullptr)
starting_node = _last_accessed_node;
counter = _last_accessed_index;
if (index == _size – 1)
starting_node = _end;
counter = _size – 1;
//keeps track of where we’re at in our LL
ListNode<T> *current = starting_node;
while (counter < index && current != nullptr)
current = current->getNext();
return current;
// Basic list constructor
// Other initializers are done at the class level
cout << [x] Basic constructor called. << endl;
_front = nullptr;
_end = _front;
// START Microassigment zone – all code you need to change is here
// Copy constructor
// MA TODO: Implement!
LinkedList(const LinkedList<T> &other)
cout << [x] Copy Constructor executed. << endl;
// Copy every element in other to ourselves
// Move constructor
// MA TODO: Implement!
LinkedList(LinkedList<T> &&other)
cout << [x] Move Constructor executed. << endl;
// Copy the pointers within other to ourselves
// Also copy their class variables (_last_accessed_index, etc)
// Reset pointers in other to nullptr
// Initializer list constructor
// MA TODO: Implement!
LinkedList(initializer_list<T> values)
cout << [x] Initializer List Constructor executed. << endl;
// Add a copy of every element in values to ourselves
// Destructor: Always remeber to clean up pointers in destructor!
// MA TODO: Implement!
virtual ~LinkedList()
cout << [x] LinkedList Destructor executed. << endl;
// Delete every node in our internal linked list
// Copy assignment operator
// MA TODO: Implement!
virtual LinkedList<T> &operator=(const LinkedList<T> &other)
// Note: might want to make sure we don’t copy ourselves!
cout << [x] Copy *assignment* operator called. << endl;
// Delete our elements
// Add in other’s elements
return *this;
// Move assignment operator
// MA TODO: Implement!
virtual LinkedList<T> &operator=(LinkedList<T> &&other)
cout << [x] Move *assignment* operator called. << endl;
// Delete our own elements
// Grab other data for ourselves
// Reset their pointers to nullptr
return *this;
// End Microassignment zone
// Returns pointer to front of list – THIS IS DANGEROUS
// Should be protected:, but I need it here for testing the destructor
ListNode<T> *getFront()
return _front;
// Will return true if the LL is empty.
virtual bool isEmpty() const
return _size == 0;
// Returns the size of the LL.
virtual int getSize() const
return _size;
// Appends the supplied item to the end of our LL
virtual void addElement(T value)
addElementAt(value, getSize());
// Returns the value at the specified index
virtual T& getElementAt(int location)
//explicit way
//ListNode<T> *result = getNodeAtIndex(location);
//return result->getValue();
//this is called “method chaining” and can go on forever:
///usually, not the best idea
return getNodeAtIndex(location)->getValue();
virtual const T &getElementAt(int location) const
return getNodeAtIndex(location)->getValue();
// Sets the value at the specified index
virtual void setElementAt(T value, int location)
// Adds the specified item at the specified index and shifts everything else to the “right” by one.
virtual void addElementAt(T value, int location)
ListNode<T> *new_value = createNode(value);
// When adding to a LL, we have to consider three possibilities:
// Option #1: are we adding this to the front
if (location == 0)
_front = new_value;
else if (location == _size)
// Option #2: Adding to the end of the list
_end = _end->getNext();
// Option #3: Adding somewhere else
ListNode<T> *before = getNodeAtIndex(location – 1);
if (_size == 0) // Is size 0
_end = _front;
_size++; // Remember to increment size counter
// Removes the element at the specified index.
virtual void removeElementAt(int index)
// Make sure index is in bounds
if (index < 0 || index >= getSize())
throw out_of_range(Invalid index.);
// Two possibilities:
// 1) Index is 0 (first item in LL)
if (index == 0)
ListNode<T> *old_front = _front;
_front = _front->getNext();
// 2) Index is greater than 0 (not the first item in LL)
ListNode<T> *before = getNodeAtIndex(index1);
ListNode<T> *to_delete = before->getNext();
// Check to see if we removed the last element
if (index == _size – 1)
_end = before;
if (_size == 1) // Is our size 1?
_end = _front;
_size–; // Remember to decrement size

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