Module 02 Assignment- ATI Video Case Study on Therapeutic CommunicationPurpose1. Identify therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication techniques.2. Identify congruency between verbal and non-verbal communication.3. Document the conversation and label the parts of the conversation.Course Competencyú Apply strategies for safe, effective multidimensional nursing practice when providing basic care and comfort for clients.InstructionsFor this assignment, fill out the template provided directly after these instructions.1. Listen to the ATI video case study called Therapeutic Communication.2. Record the conversation, indicating the comments made by the nurse and client in the correct columns.3. Observe and document the verbal and non-verbal communication.4. Label the verbal and non-verbal communication as therapeutic or non-therapeutic.5. Provide the rationale for each of the labels (therapeutic or non-therapeutic).6. Indicate a statement or response that may have been more therapeutic for those believed to be barriers to communication.7. At the conclusion of the conversation, write a paragraph indicating how you would feel if you were the client in this situation.NurseVerbalTherapeuticNon-therapeuticAlternate ResponseNon verbalTherapeuticNon-therapeuticAlternate ResponseModule 02 Assignment- ATI Video Case Study on Therapeutic Communication RubricTotal Assessment Points – 45Levels of ÿÿAchievementCriteriaEmergingCompetenceProficiencyMasteryVerbal and Non-Verbal Communication(10 Pts)Verbal and non-verbal communication is correctly ÿÿidentified and rationale for identification is vague.Verbal and non-verbal communication is correctly ÿÿidentified and rationale for identification is reasonable.Verbal and non-verbal communication is correctly ÿÿidentified and rationale for identification is complete.Verbal and non-verbal communication is correctly ÿÿidentified and rationale for identification is thorough.Points – 0-7Points – 8Points – 9Points – 10Therapeutic or Non-Therapeutic Communication(10 Pts)Therapeutic or non-therapeutic communication is ÿÿcorrectly identified and rationale for identification is vague.Therapeutic or non-therapeutic communication is ÿÿcorrectly identified and rationale for identification is reasonable.Therapeutic or non-therapeutic communication is ÿÿcorrectly identified and rationale for identification is complete.Therapeutic or non-therapeutic communication is ÿÿcorrectly identified and rationale for identification is thorough.Points ? 0-7Points ? 8Points – 9Points – 10Alternate Response(10 Pts)The ÿÿalternate response provided is vague and/or incomplete.The ÿÿalternate response provided is reasonable and/or mostly related to the ÿÿconversation in the case study.The ÿÿalternate response provided is complete and related to the conversation in the case study.The ÿÿalternate response provided is in-depth and explicitly related to the ÿÿconversation in the case study.Points ? 0-7Points – 8Points – 9Points ? 10Additional Paragraph(10 Pts)The ÿÿadditional paragraph provided vague and/or seldom relates back to the ÿÿconversation in the case study.The additional paragraph provided is reasonable and ÿÿoccasionally relates back to the conversation in the case study.The ÿÿadditional paragraph provided is sufficient and relates back to the ÿÿconversation in the case study.The additional paragraph provided is comprehensive ÿÿand skillfully relates back to the conversation in the case study.Points: ÿÿ0-7Points: ÿÿ8Points: ÿÿ9Points: ÿÿ10Spelling and Grammar(5 Pts)Numerous ÿÿspelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to comprehend ÿÿmaterial.Some ÿÿspelling and grammar errors, which detract from the audience’s ability to ÿÿcomprehend material.Few ÿÿspelling and grammar errors.Minimal ÿÿto no spelling and grammar errors.Points: 0-2Points: 3Points: 4Points:5

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