PH Communications & Advocacy
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Please follow the instructor carefully. There are 4 Discussions ,your response to classmates should be at least one paragraph for each Discussion, address the discussion topic or question, be respectful, and add to the discussion. You may draw upon personal experience, course or scholarly references, citing appropriately. Restating the primary response, or agreeing or disagreeing without supporting statements will result in a lower grade.
In reference to including a paragraph for both primary and peer responses, 4-5 sentences constitute a paragraph.
Discussion one,
ABX2-7 Smoking in the Workplace: The existing law prohibited smoking tobacco products in enclosed spaces, the new bill would expand that to prohibit smoking in the place of employment. Additionally, this bill no longer allowed for any exemptions for smoking, to include bars, hotels, and banquet halls. (Hernandez, 2016) On the Health Impact Pyramid, the implementation of smoke-free laws as the “changing the context to make individuals’ default decision healthy.” This approach has a large impact on the community and if individuals are not able to smoke in their place of work or other environments where smoking is usually increased, then perhaps the healthier decision will be made more often. ABX2-10 Local Taxes: Authorization: Cigarettes and Tobacco Products: This bill would allow for the imposition of additional taxes that are not already collected on the distribution of tobacco. (Bloom, 2016) In order for there to be additional tax bills passed it had to first be advocated. Advocacy is getting powerful legislators to influence change in policies. SBX2-5 Electronic Cigarettes: Tobacco products are changed to include electronic cigarettes and the vaporized liquids containing nicotine. SBX2-7 Tobacco products: minimum legal age: This bill increases the legal smoking age from age 18 to age 21. However, this does not apply to active duty military with military ID card. This bill was approved by the governor of California on 05/04/2016.ABX2-9 Tobacco Use Programs: This bill expands funding for tobacco prevention programs to promote the education and tobacco free campus’. ABX2-11 Cigarette and Tobacco product licensing: Fee and Funding: the current bill required any distributors, wholesales, retailers, and etc. to obtain a license from the board which previously required a one-time fee. The new bill states that the fee and application renewal would be required every calendar year after Jan 1, 2017.
Discussion 2,
This first bill that took my interest is ABX2-7 Tobacco use programs (Thumand). The bill would expand funding for the tobacco use prevention program to include Charter School. The would require the State Department of Education to require that all school districts and county offices to adopt and enforce a tobacco-free campus prohibiting any use of the drug including nicotine. It also requires anyone participating to display signs at all entrances to school property stating, “Tobacco is prohibited.” The second bill that peaked by intrigue is the SBX2-7. Tobacco products: minimum legal age. This bill authorizes the State Department of Public health to conduct random onsite inspections of tobacco retailers to selling to any persons under the age of 21. However, there is an exception for any person who is active duty military, they are able to purchase tobacco products at the age of 18. It is great to see that we are going to great lengths to stop tobacco addiction, especially with our youth. I am just now learning that government buildings and schools are intentionally putting up tobacco-free signs because of funding offered through the state. As a tax payor, this is a great cause but I am surprised that this isn’t common knowledge.
Discussion 3,
A coalition is a group of people who come together to reach a common goal. Some goals that coalitions may focus on are having an impact in developing or changing public policy, helping individuals to change or stop a target behavior, and helping the community in becoming a healthier environment.
The most essential members of a coalition are the stakeholders, community opinion leaders and policy makers. The stakeholders are the individuals who may be affected by whatever issue they coalition is focused on, as well as the people who are given jobs within the coalition itself. Community opinion leaders are those who are highly regarded within the community such as civic or business leaders. Policy makers are the state representatives that are actively involved in creating policies or laws within the community.The coalition I found is the Smoke Free Partnership (SFP) Coalition. The main goal of this coalition is the promotion and support of smoking prevention using advocacy development aimed at tobacco control policies (Aranudova). Currently there are 42 partners within this coalition including Action on Smoking and Health, FCA Framework Convention Alliance on Tobacco Control, and Life: Regional Advocacy Center.
Discussion 4,
A coalition is individuals and/or organizations that group together due to shared similar interests and work together to complete a similar goal. Some coalitions form for short time periods, meaning they separate after completion of a specific goal. Three common goals that coalitions focus on are to influence public policies, change people’s behaviors, and build a healthier community. Three of the most essential coalition members include stakeholders, community opinion leaders, and policy makers. Stakeholders are those that are most effected by the issues, they are usually formal and informal helps that carry out community functions. Community Opinion Leaders are those members that can influence others, such as clergy or business leaders. Policy Leaders are state representatives and political leaders that add credibility to a coalition. (Rabinowitz, 2018) Kentucky Kids Eat is a coalition that is dedicated to end childhood hunger. Partnering with Share our Strength, Kentucky Association of Food Banks, and Kentucky Agriculture Development Board, the KY Kids Eat coalition ensured that kids are provided food through free school meals (breakfast and lunch) and summer meal programs.
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