Read the article Crunch Cons by Rod Dreher. Next, do the following in an essay:

  • Summarize Dreher’s key points in your own words.
  • Give your opinions of Dreher’s main ideas. Evaluate them based on their merit.
    a. Do not write about what you like or dislike.
    b. Do not attack the author by calling him names.
    c. Do not do any outside research. I want only your summary and assessment of his assertions.
  • Follow the MLA format for your heading, font, spaces, margins, etc. The Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.(OWL) is a good resource for this.
  • If you do a, b, and or c, you can expect to earn an F on this assignment.
  • Submit your essay as a .docx, .rtf, or .pdf file. No other files types are acceptable.
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