Psychology  Assignment case collaboration meeting

Collaboration is a key part of social work practice. Most MSW professionals engage in these processes during the postgraduate practice years that each state requires before their licensing moves from supervised to independent status. Even beyond those requirements, peer consultation and collaboration are key aspects of most social work practice settings.For this Assignment, your Instructor has paired you with a consultation colleague. Imagine that you and your colleague are working with the client featured in the case study your Instructor assigned. Your task is to provide a diagnosis and present your findings in the Week 7 Discussion.Your diagnosis can come from any part of the DSM-5, so frequent communication and research with your colleague may be needed. Your colleague is there to help you think out, consult on, challenge, research, and polish your process before you record and post your own final analysis of this case in Week 7.The collaboration that begins in this Assignment is intended to provide a safe venue for developing your differential diagnosis and case discussion skills with your colleague. This week you meet with your assigned partner at least once via Collaborate Ultra and begin considering the assigned case. In this Assignment, you describe that meeting and any initial analysis of the case.To prepare:Using the case study provided to you by your instructor.Consult the Case Collaboration Meeting Guidelines document found in the Learning Resources.Read ahead to the Week 7 Discussion instructions so that you can plan and reflect accordingly.Note: In the Week 7 Discussion, you make your final findings presentation as an individual, not with your partner.By Day 7Submit a 1- to 2-page paper in which you describe your team meeting. In your write-up, make sure to address the following:Describe the quality of your working relationship with your colleague. ( The Quality of the working relationships went really well, very easy going, open-minded and productive collaborate teamwork working with my colleagues so far)Critically reflect on strengths of collaborative relationship and areas for improvement.Describe your case in 100–150 wordsIdentify the red flags in your case study to be further evaluated. ( Red flags were Alcohol, suicidal thoughts, abuse, overdose, family history, cannot keep a job longer than 3 years, and attempted suicide. )Outline your and your partner’s plan for further research and consultation, identifying specific tasks that you are each doing in this regard. ( I will be researching and working on the possibility of a diagnosis of Bipolar 2 and studying The case of Sigmund more thoroughly. Toni will be working on and researching BIpolar 1 and Somang will be working on possible other diagnoses such as major depression and attachment disorders. )Identify days/times you have agreed to meet together, including the date planned to complete the CFI interview required for the Week 5 Assignment. We have agreed and decided to meet again via ultra collaborative or via email with our findings and research by Monday at 9 am September 23rd. IF that does not work due to one being out of town collaboration will be via email.

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