SUMMARY OF THE THREE CHAPTERS OF THE RESEARCH DESIGNStudents will present their Research Proposal to the rest of the class.  Power Point required.Oral PresentationsResearch Proposals(30 minutes)IntroductionProblem IdentificationJustification / RelevanceWhy is important for the society? For Social Work?Research QuestionsVariablesDependentIndependentImportant ConceptsResearch DesignTheory FrameTheoriesApplicationHypothesisParticipantsInstrumentProcedure (Summary)Data AnalysisConclusionReferencesHW 8.2 Research ProposalStudents will submit their complete proposals. Proposal should include all the elements below.Initial Page – Title – Page that contains the title and the theme of the investigationAbstractTable of ContentChapter One: Introductory Chapter (Introduction) – minimum two – three pages,Introduction about the topic, history of the topic, laws, regulations, and information that support your topicProblem DefinitionJustification and relevance of the studyObjectivesResearch QuestionsVariables and definition of the variablesDefinition of important conceptsProjected limitations of your studyResearch design descriptionChapter Two: Literature Review –  minimum two – three pagesBrief Introduction2.1 Information about previous investigations / researches about your topic2.2 Theory Frame to be used during your investigation2.3 HypothesisChapter Three: Methodology – minimum 2-3 pagesBrief Introduction3.1 Participants3.2 Description of the instrument (s)3.3 Steps / Procedures / Process to get your research completed including the way that you review your literature3.4 Data AnalysisChapter Four: Conclusion – One pageBrief Summary of your proposalReferencesAppendixes**The document should follow APA style in all it aspects. APA style 6th Edition.

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