Response 1: Sara Parker and EthicsRespond with a reaction to a colleague’s views on the Sara Parker case study. Use these questions to guide your thinking:o   Do you think that research participants should be compensated?o   How would compensation impact voluntary participation?o   Do research regulations do enough to protect special populations?o   Are there any changes you would like to make to our current research protections?Please use the resources to support your post.Colleague 1: AshleyThe Social Worker’s Ethical Responsibility with Ms. ParkerAlthough the social worker in the Parker Family episode may have had good intentions suggesting her client speak to the colleague who is conducting the research study, she became misguided and forgot her ethical obligations when she used the monetary reimbursement opportunity to attempt to get her client to comply with participation (Laureate Education, 2013). The social worker failed to ask herself whether the end justified the means by pushing her client to participate. Further, by personally knowing a potential research participant this could skew the bias of the researchers (Council on Social Work Education, n.d.).It was evidenced in the video that Ms. Parker was noticeably hesitant to even speak with a researcher let alone participate because she did not want her personal circumstances known to outsiders (Laureate Education, 2013). According to Labott and Johnson (2004) there are psychological and social risks to research participants who partake in behavioral research studies. Knowing that Ms. Parker has unresolved psychological and behavioral issues, the social worker must not forget that it is her duty to put her client above all others’ agendas and ensure the well-being of her client is intact (NASW, 2008).Providing Ms. Parker the choice to self-determine and explaining that right to her is an ethical obligation the social worker has according to the Code of Ethics (NASW, 2008). Further, according to Saxon, Jacinto, and Dziegielewski (2006) it is an ethical principle which a social worker must adhere to in order to assist his or her clients in recognizing that they have the right to make their own choices, free from persuasion.ReferencesCouncil on Social Work Education (n.d.). National Statement on Research Integrity in Social Work. Retrieved from:, S. M., & Johnson, T. P. (2004). Psychological and social risks of behavioral research. IRB: Ethics & Human Research, 26(3), 11–15. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013). Parker Family [Video File]. In Sessions. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.eduNational Association of Social Workers. (2008). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from, C., Jacinto, G. A., & Dziegielewski, S. F. (2006). Self-determination and confidentiality: The ambiguous nature of decision-making in social work practice. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 13(4), 55–72. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.Response 2: Week 2 BlogRespond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:o   Validate an idea in your colleague’s post with your own experience.o   Offer and support an opinion.o   Expand on your colleague’s posting.Be sure to support your blog posts with specific references to this week’s resources and provide full APA citations for your references.Colleague 1: SeiniAn explanation of potential challenges in adhering to confidentiality in your field education experienceMy field education experience is called “brighter future”.  It is an agency that most of the employee are related.  And so part of their confidently is made sure that they do not share information.A description of agency policies or mandates about confirms to evidentialityToday at my field placement, we discuss the important of confidentiality. According to my agency policies, we have to make sure that everything we do is kept confidential.  For example, I was observing and learning how to input documents into the computer.  I found out that, everyone in the agency is required to keep every file, everything they do about that client has to be protected.The files that inputted in the computer were also kept manually and under the table so that no one would know about their client’s names.Discussing any client outside the office was a no-no.  They were also required not to address any problem faced by the clients until they have any a consent letter from the client.An explanation of potential challenges in communicating with clients within your agencyThe challenges that I see with confidentiality within this agency is how they interact with each other. Some of the confidential information is shared throughout the agency and take lightly as a joke.  I think it’s about time for all employee to come together and be supportive of this little fella who wanted a bike but lack of financial reportReference:Saxon, C., Jacinto, G. A., & Dziegielewski, S. F. (2006). Self-determination and confidentiality: The ambiguous nature of decision-making in social work practice. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 13(4), 55–72.Colleague 2: DamianSocial workers are challenged with the responsibility of being change agents, working effortlessly in their communities to seek progression. However, many times challenges may arise that cause conflict and sometimes are hard for social workers to manage. Confidentiality is a huge responsibility for social workers, and is referenced in detail in the social worker’s code of ethics. Upholding confidentiality of clients is a huge part of practice, but may pose a challenge. Some people, after working in the field or at their agency for a period of time may begin to get comfortable and relaxed, and do things without thinking them through. Such as: Leaving a client’s profile open on their computer while leaving their work station for a split second, or talking to another staff member who is not apart of treatment about client information. While these two things present as very simple, they are huge mistakes when it comes to confidentiality and ethical practice. As social workers, we have a duty to protect the privacy of our clients, and that means by ensuring confidentiality is maintained at all times. If other staff members are not apart of that client’s treatment, then personal information should not be shared. Also, even if you are leaving your office or desk for a split second, client information should not be left unsecured and easily accessible.Many times it is also hard for clients to understand our obligation to the code. Clients may ask questions about other clients, but if we provide any details, we have disregarded our code of ethics. There will be times when clients know other clients who may receive services, but under no circumstances are be allowed to provide information, or give facts that indicate that person referenced is indeed a client. They do not always understand this portion of the job, but it is best practice to utilize.Along with the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), agencies also have their polices of confidentiality, which are usually contingent upon the code outlined by NASW. “Formal organizations require rules and regulations (polices) to function effectively” (Kirsty-Ashman and Hull, Jr. 2015, p. 130). These police usually outline expectations of confidentiality and guidelines for behaviors.Reference:Hull, G, & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2015). Understanding Generalist Practice (6th ed.)Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.Colleague 3: LaquintaPotential challenges in adhering to confidentiality in field experience would be communication and proper protocol.My field experience takes place at Child Protection Services. They explained and went over their policies regarding confidentiality. If you could not ahere to and sign you would follow the the agreement, you could not intern at the agency. The agency follow the NASW code of ethics and confidentiality is key in every step of the family case. There are pass words, key cards, and sign out procedures for anything pertaining to a case file. All files have to be locked up. Every computer has to be closed down and on sleep mode anytime leaving the office even stepping to the printer. Confidentiality starts at the intake where the reporter is to remain anonymous even though the social worker might know who the reporter is. It is important to let the clients know everything said in visit is between social worker and client. It is also important to let the client know when it is an obligation to share information such as abuse to a child (NASW,). It is beneficial to explain what a mandated report is and their role in learninginformation that might be a legal consequence such as reporting sexual abuse.A potential challenge in communicating with clients within the agency is sharing information with the person or supervisor you are interning with. For example: as a female student if I am shadowing a male social worker on a sexual abuse intake and the young girl do not feel comfortable talking with the social worker but confides in me it might be a challenge sharing what she told me in private to him for his case work. The challenge of what to share and how to explain to the client the role of the intern can be difficult. According to Wulff, St. George, and Besthom (2011), a purposeful question would be to if sharing the information the client gave would be beneficial or harming to the client. At the agency, social workers and supervisors staff case which involve discussing progress and issues in the case. It is important to know what to share and what not to in these staffing. As the intern, a purposeful question of what to share and what to keep secret is important.Wulff, D, P., St. George, S A., & Besthom, F. H. (2011). Revisiting Confidentiality:Observations from Family Therapy Practice.Journal of Family Therapy, 33(2), 199-214

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