Topic 8 DQ 2Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Affirmative Action (AA) are not required in today’s evolved organizational climate. EEO and AA enforce quotas on organizations that must be met during the hiring process, thus hiring unqualified applicants. Evaluate this statement. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.Topic 8 DQ 2The concept of a “Just Culture” has a number of key elements. Choose the two elements that you feel are the most difficult to achieve and provide one strategy for each that will make them achievable.  Question: Change fatigue – optional participation question What if the culture has undergone a significant amount of change and is experiencing change fatigue, how can this be overcome?Question: Video: Is there a secret to sustaining improvement? – optional participation activity  Standardization – optional participation question Will standardizing work process support sustain quality improvement?

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