Reading Supplement Rubrics

Question 1:What is the title of the article?

0 point Incorrect title

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1 point Correct title

Expectations:List the title exactly as listed.

Question 2:List three main conclusions of the article.

0 points Failed to address question

1 pointDiscussed one conclusion in a competent manner.

2 pointsDiscussed two conclusions in a competent manner.

3 pointsElaborated on three conclusions in a competent manner.

Expectations:There needs to be a minimum of one sentence per conclusion.The better answer will provide three to four sentences per conclusion.Minimum of 50 words maximum 250 words.

Question 3:Are the ideas presented in the article viable?

0 pointsFailed to address question.

1 pointBriefly discusses viability of conclusions.

2 pointsDiscusses viability of conclusions without referencing specific conclusions in essay.

3 pointsElaborates on the viability of ideas of all three conclusions.

Expectations:There needs to be a minimum two sentences per viability of conclusions.The better answer will provide three to four sentences per viability of conclusions. Minimum of 50 words maximum 250 words.

Question 4:How can the information in this article assist your psychological well-being?

0 pointsFailed to address question.

1 pointDiscussed one personal connection to the information presented.

2 pointsDiscussed two personal connections to the information presented.

3 pointsElaborated on two personal connections to the information presented.

Expectations:There needs to be a minimum two sentences per personal connection.The better answer will provide three to four sentences per personal connection. Minimum of 50 words maximum 250 words.

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