The research hypothesis in thesis acts as the most valuable methodological tool of the ongoing research.  A hypothesis is an assumption that follows from a theory.

The existence of such an assumption, indicated in the introduction of the thesis, has not yet been proven and experimentally disproved. The author only has to successfully discover its truth or prove falsehood throughout the entire research work.

What is a Research Hypothesis?

A hypothesis acts as a statement in which the presence or existence of a relationship between several variables is assumed. A hypothesis is a predicted outcome that a study is about. The task of the author of the thesis is to empirically prove or refute this proposal.

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A hypothesis doesn’t come out of nowhere. Its appearance is preceded by various guesses, which do not represent a hypothesis as such. A conjecture can be called a hypothesis if it includes a rationale based on proven positions.

It must be remembered that the formulation of a hypothesis is carried out on the basis of the problem under study. A brilliantly formulated assumption meets such requirements as the adequacy of the research question, the absence of conflict between new and old knowledge, and availability for verification. In addition, the prediction must be correct and simple, not reduced to trivial facts.

Stages in the Creation and Further Development of a Research Hypothesis:Research Hypothesis

  1. Revealing a certain group of facts that do not fit into long-known theories that need to be explained by a new assumption.
  2. Directly formulating a hypothesis, designed to explain the discovered facts.
  3. A deep study of the indicated prediction and the isolation of all kinds of consequences from it.
  4. Comparison of the implications of the hypothesis with existing scientific discoveries.
  5. Formation of new scientific knowledge from a hypothesis in the case of confirmation of the consequences derived from it and the absence of contradictions with the long-known postulates of science.

The hypothesis can be tested either by active experiment, or by finding correlations between those quantities, the relationship of which is of scientific interest.

All the collected data are summarized in the conclusion of the thesis and on their basis a conclusion is made about the validity of the hypothesis.

How to Correctly Formulate a Hypothesis

Even knowing the definition of a hypothesis (Sample Click Here), many students have difficulty formulating it.

So, a correctly formulated hypothesis must meet the following criteria:

  1. A hypothesis should not be an axiom and an obvious fact. For example, the statement that a person has a four-chambered heart is not suitable as a hypothesis for a diploma, since this fact has been known to science for a long time.
  2. A hypothesis should not be formulated with the help of unspecified concepts that themselves can become the object of research.
  3. Modern science must possess the tools to test a hypothesis.
  4. The hypothesis should be related to the object and subject of research.
  5. The hypothesis must be cognitively effective.

A hypothesis is a structural element that must be indicated in the introduction of the diploma. However, practice shows that it is advisable to formulate it much later, when the object and subject of research has been studied, a theoretical basis has been created, and there is a plan for empirical research.

This is due to the fact that often, based on the results of research, it is necessary to adjust the main elements of the diploma: object, subject, and sometimes a decision is made to change the topic of the thesis. Thus, the hypothesis is “fitted” to the research results.

Cliché Phrases Used to Formulate a Research Hypothesis:

  • Expected Result.
  • To be expected.
  • It is assumed that.
  • If … then.

So, the hypothesis is the vector guiding the research of the thesis. The success of the thesis project as a whole depends on how correctly the hypothesis is formulated.

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