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The program chosen for evaluation is from Dub Foundation whose primary goal is to ensure that children and the youth aged from 5-18 years undergo through counseling services especially those that are traumatized. Therefore, the data to be collected will help to evaluate whether the general mental health services being provided by the Foundation are targeting a relatively equal distribution of children and youth, regarding ages.

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The experimental design adopted a randomized control study design. This design was useful given the fact that these children were categorized into two groups; that is the intervention group and the control group. The control group was the list of children who were not getting any mental health counseling services.

In terms of the sample size, the data on age were obtained from a total of 90 children accessing mental health counseling services. The independent variable was age while the dependent variable was the mental health counseling services. The level of measurement used in this dataset was nominal for age data and ordinal for mental health counseling services. Data was collected by giving a questionnaire to the children from the sampled sites of the Foundation as well as other areas without the Foundation services. To find out the evaluation results, both descriptive and inferential statistics were performed. These include mean, percentages, frequencies and standard deviation.

The rationale for choosing a randomized control study design is because it is a useful design for evaluating programs. For instance, it has low levels of biases, and it provides an opportunity of testing the effectiveness of a program given that it can provide comparison results from different groups, (Amaratunga, Baldry, Sarshar, & Newton, 2002). Moreover, these levels of measurements are chosen because it can be quantified and as a result help in hypothesis testing. Finally, mean and standard deviations will show the difference in the groups more so how the data is spread away from the mean when the standard deviation is used.

References :

Amaratunga, D., Baldry, D., Sarshar, M., & Newton, R. (2002). Quantitative and qualitative research in the built environment: application of “mixed” research approach. Work study, 51(1), 17-31.


For this particular discussion I am going to use a fictional program as I do not currently work for any social service organizations or a place that would conduct a program evaluation. I do however volunteer for a local organization that deals with domestic violence. Outer Banks Hotline‘s mission is to promote a safe and compassionate community. We are a private, non-profit human services organization that provides crisis intervention, safe house, information and referrals, advocacy and prevention education services to residents of and visitors to the Northern Outer Banks. Since the Outer Banks Hotline provides many services I would focus on the safe house for this particular program evaluation. The safe house is offered to women and children for a period of time in order for them to get out of an unsafe situation. Sometimes the women call the crisis line and are advised to leave the situation or are given the option for the cops to get involved and them to be brought to the safe house with a police escort.

If I was an employee at the organization I would like to establish a program evaluation on the safe house that is provided for women and children effected by domestic violence. I would be curious as to how many women are repeat visitors and what can be done to help them change their situation. I am certain (due to an employee sharing information) that the safe house does have women who use their facility more than once. For the evaluation I would like to access old records that can tell us how many times each woman has visited the safe house, how long they stayed, if children were with them and how much time in between each visit took place. Once the information is gathered I would put this into a spread sheet and evaluate the information with the other social workers at the organization. Once the information is shared I would like to brainstorm about what can be done to change the situation for these women. if some women are staying at the safe house one to two times a month than that can be seen as a severe safety issue especially if children are involved. I would suggest getting these women into some sort of support group that can help them deal with the violence that is taking place and also try to set up some one on one therapy within the safe house for the women who are repeat visitors. I think that it is very important to educate these women on what they can do to get out of their current situation and the resources that are provided by our community. Although resources may be limited considering this a a non-profit organization I think that ideas of how to get additional grant money would be something to consider as well. Once the therapy and resources are discussed with the client I would then go back into the information again a few months later and see if the number of times the women have visited and if that number has decreased at all. If the number has not decreased I would again gather the employees and think of a better solution to the problem.


Grinnell, R. M., Jr., Gabor, P. A., & Unrau, Y. A. (2016). Program evaluation for social workers: Foundations of evidence-based programs (7th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

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