The authors of your textbook discuss the strengths and limitations of short-answer items. Describe each strength and limitation. Confine your answer to one page.

Notes from the book:


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  1. The highest-level learning outcomes (analyzing, evaluating, creating) can be measured.
  2. Preparation time is less than that for selection-type items.
  3. The integration and application of ideas is emphasized.


  1. There is an inadequate sampling of achievement due to time needed for answering each question.
  2. It is difficult to relate to intended learning outcomes because of freedom to select, organize, and express ideas.
  3. Scores are raised by writing skill and bluffing and lowered by poor handwriting, misspelling, and grammatical errors.
  4. Scoring is time consuming and subjective, and it tends to be unreliable

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Book: Waugh, C. K & Gronlund, N. E. (2013). Assessment of student achievement (10th ed).

Boston: Pearson

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