Re: Topic 3 DQ 2Alligood (2017) argues that the main difference between nursing model and nursing theory is that while nursing conceptual model offers guidance to researcher, nursing theory tries to explain about nursing phenomenon process based on research study. Nursing process mainly guides the nurse during the process of patient assessment. The theory of nursing process offers vital support in managing patient care because it considers patient preference. Furthermore, the process increases treatment efficiency because it allows nurses to fully satisfy the needs of their patients, diagnosis and assessment. It states that the main role of nurses is to help patients meet their need.This is to say that in the case a patient need an immediate medical attention, it is the work of nurses to identify the need and try to meet the need. Nursing process serves a purpose of helping nurses to approach patient care in the most scientific, holistic and creative way (Mousavinasab, Kalhori, Sanaee, Rakhshan & Saeedi, 2020). Thereby describing a personalized holistic approach that involves a patient as a whole. There are different types of nursing invention including safety and physiological intervention. Several physiological nursing intervention strategies are connected to an individual physical health. For instance, administration of IV fluids to a dehydrated individual. Moreover, actions that are aimed at ensuring patients safety as well as preventing injuries all fall under safety nursing interventions.ReferenceAlligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing theorists and their work-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.Mousavinasab, E., Kalhori, S. R. N., Sanaee, N. Z., Rakhshan, M., & Saeedi, M. G. (2020). Nursing process education: A review of methods and characteristics. Nurse Education in Practice, 102886.This is a discussion a student posted. Just discuss 200-250 words

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