First- I did I divide the paper into sections and made them clear, also I answered most of the questions. I wrote a brief about the film and how people think about. Also, I gave you some online websites that will save you time.

This paper will be researched, thesis- driven exploration of a cinematic approach tot the sacred in the context of World Cinema and The Islamic Religion.

((The overall idea is to focus on the sacred in cinema and Islam)).

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The chosen film named “The Message”. The Message; originally known as Mohammad, Messenger of God is a 1976 epic historical drama film directed by Moustapha Akkad, chronicling the life and times of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Released in Arabic (1976) and English (1977), The Message serves as an introduction to early Islamic history.

(A general overview of the film – the brief)

The films about the lives of Muslims around the world is given a rich twist with director Moustapha Akkad’s 1976 The Message, in which (according to Islamic tenets) neither the voice nor the image of the prophet Muhammad is depicted. The film itself, the story of the birth of Islam, is an old-fashioned campy epic (heavy-handed dialogue and exposition; lots of hammy acting) in which the “absence” within the “presence” of Muhammad (the film’s central character) is a metaphor for sacredness itself — which begs the question, how do you visualize the sacred? And how do you define it?

This film also tackles the challenge of portraying the prophet Muhammad when the religion forbids representations. “What’s fascinating is that they found cinematic ways to respect religious tradition and custom while telling engaging and entertaining stories,” says Malcolm. “They use . . . other ways of really expressing the powerful spiritual presence of Muhammad without actually depicting him on screen.”


It should talks about the meaing of sacred in cinema, what dose that mean. Religion and cinema share a capacity for world making, ritualizing, mythologizing, and creating sacred time, space, and person.

1- Tell me a brief and the story of this film, what is about?


The paper should be narrowly focused, thesis driven, logically organized, and should demonstrate complex analysis. (write it).

Paragraphs ans Sections:


2- Tell me about some events happened in before or after the film. For example, the film had been banned in many countries for some years. Why.


3- Tell me about the director Moustapha Akkad, what he had to face to direct the film. For example, It was banned all over. Banned in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait. Banned in Egypt because the film talks about their prophet Muhammad in Islam.


Those are the most important sections, focus on them more.

4- How did the director show the sacred in the film and the sacred in the film and Islam what are those techniques. This is because Abiding by Islam’s firm ban on pictorialization (which forbids depicting not only the Mohmmed Prophet’s likeness but also his voice):

Visualizing the Sacred: Islam on Film. What techniques did the director in the film to talk about the Prophet Mohammed with showing the face of Mohammed, they even could not show his pictures, his voice, or not even his shadows throughout the events of the film because of the idea of sacred in Islam.

  • First Technique:

Use other representatives to talk on behalf of the Prophet Mohammed. Mohammed’s friends say what Mohammed has to say. Explain more.

  • 2nd Technique:

Use the camera as a point of the Prophet Mohammed. So, the actors talk for the camera. So the camera is Mohammed. Explain more.

  • 3rd Technique:

Use the narrator -teller- to tell the story of the Prophet Mohammed to the viewers and audience. Some people called it the voice of God. Explain more.


5- Analysis of the film:

More details It is very important to use supporting examples from the thoughtful analysis of those examples to illustrate your points. You will compare the film “The Message” with othes films for example, film “Noah” and how did they show the Prophet in film “Noah. Muslims are very sensitive to portrayals of Prophets on stage and on screen because these are very sacred special people. This is because it is forbidden to show the images of Prophets.


6- The sacred in films and Islam (others films) What western films could do in cinema that we could not do in Islamic cinema. The Cinema in Islam. Do you agree with that, or not? And why? I think the difficulty in this film is showing the face of Mohammed, they even could not show his pictures, his voice, or not even his shadows throughout the events of the film because of the idea of sacred in Islam. Explain more.


1-It should be MLA, the Works Cited should be listed on last page

2- At last you shold you should use 3 sources

3-The most important point is that ( when you write a point should tell the last name of the sources For example (……………………………………………….) (last name, page#).

4-Keep it simple, clear, and easy to understand.


There are some online websites that I found will save you time about the film “the-message”:-

About some people who disagree with the film:

Some links for film “Noah”:

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