week 4 response
Question Description
Hi, I have 2 of my classmate posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. , one source at least for each one of them. about how good their posts or how bad. need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style
the question was:
- Is being Joint Commission compliant enough to be able to prepare, respond and recover from a disaster? Explain your answer.
- Review the JC Lessons Learned. What lesson learned resonated with you? Why?
this is the first post from my calssmate FUNYEES need to response:
Joint Commission Complaints
This Joint Commission recognition helps to strengthen the oversight of healthcare providers in improving the quality of patients’ safety and care. The Commission emphasizes the adherence of all regulations related to the health programs that are within their mandate (Donahue & Vanostenberg, 2000). It also ensures claims are handled as per the accreditation standards. These principles include security, medication use, infection control, safety, care of patients, and patient rights (Schyve, 2007). Therefore, Joint Commission complaints are enough to be able to prepare, respond, and recover from a disaster since, they prove that the accredited facilities provide quality services.
However, the Joint Commission does not address personal payment disputes and billing issues. Moreover, it lacks jurisdiction for handling problems such as individual clinical management of a patient and labor relation. Therefore, it is not the right forum to address the clinical management of a person (Schmaltz et al., 2011). The Joint Commission complaint procedure encourages people to raise issues of concern that may hinder their efficiency.
According to the lesson learned, depending on the magnitude of the matter raised, the Joint Commission makes various decisions like the on-site evaluation to determine defecation among healthcare programs or facilities (Schyve, 2007). The Commission uses predetermined objective criteria in guiding its analysis and disposition of the quality of medical practice. Additionally, other information obtained concerning the Joint Commission accreditation to health care organizations is also analyzed (Schmaltz et al., 2011). This assessment ensures that complains are handled not only per the international policies and standards but also as to the set policies and procedures of an organization. Beyond accreditation, the Commission offers a range of services, which support caregivers’ performance improvement; as it facilitates healthcare institutions meet their goals, thus enhancing their quality outcomes in patient-centric care delivery.
Donahue, K. T., & Vanostenberg, P. (2000). Joint Commission International accreditation: relationship to four models of evaluation. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 12(3), 243-246.
Schmaltz, S. P., Williams, S. C., Chassin, M. R., Loeb, J. M., & Wachter, R. M. (2011). Hospital performance trends on national quality measures and the association with Joint Commission accreditation. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 6(8), 454-461.
Schyve, P. M. (2007). Language differences as a barrier to quality and safety in health care: the Joint Commission perspective. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 22(2), 360-361.
this is the second post from NOOR need to response:
Is being Joint Commission compliant enough to be able to prepare, respond and recover from a disaster? Explain your answer.
The mission of the Joint Commission is to continuously improve the safety and the quality of care provided to the public. The current Joint Commission accreditation focus areas are medication management, infection control, emergency preparedness and data usage for improvement. The benefit of that accreditation in the level of disaster is, improve risk management and risk reduction, and to prepare facilities for possible disaster. Also, the Joint Commission issues a new Quick Safety Advisory that provides healthcare organization with risks factors, safety recommendations, and research on how to continue operation during an emergency. The continuity of operation plan (COOP) help the organizations with the resilience needed to prepare, respond, recover, and restore patient care services following a disaster. I think that hospitals and healthcare organization should improve their prepare, respond, and recovery from different resource and in a different way not only being Joint Commission compliant. For example, developing regular drill and exercise such tabletop exercise.
Review the JC Lessons Learned. What lesson learned resonated with you? Why?
The Joint Commission Lessons Learned emphasized several essential areas to consider in disaster preparedness and planning. The one lesson learned that resonated with me was “ Divert spontaneous volunteers (even clinical) from ED to avoid congestion during trauma response.” (The Joint Commission, 2016). Spontaneous volunteers can cause serious issues during a disaster they are not managed correctly. In a disaster, volunteers are often needed to cover several areas such as aid victims, rebuild communities, help to educate the public and prepare for future disaster. However, volunteers should be affiliated with specific organizations before the disaster. This will bring several benefits to volunteer such training, fill vital roles, and manage the event effectively. On the other hand, volunteers can cause an issue if they distract disaster response and recovery efforts.
O’Leary, D. (n.d.). The Role of the Joint Commission in Health Care Quality. Retrieved from http://www.ehcca.com/presentations/qualitycolloqui…
Chuck, H. (2018). Joint Commission Issues Disaster Advisory to Healthcare Organizations. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.philau.edu/docview/2050073859?pq-origsite=summon.
Hands On Network. (n.d.). Managing Spontaneous Volunteers in Times of Disaster. Retrieved from https://www.nationalservice.gov/sites/default/file…
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