Each week, you will be asked to respond to the prompt or prompts in the discussion forum. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length, and is due on Sunday. By Tuesday, you should respond to two additional posts from your peers.

Where Does the Time Go?

It’s pretty common to hear people say, “I don’t know how I am going to get this all done.” We may think we manage our time well and know how to multitask, but there are always tips and tricks that help us make the most of our time.

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For example, every day after school, one mother usually waited for her son 10-15 minutes in the parking lot of the elementary school. She realized that sitting there was simply a waste of her time. She then chose to log in to her online class with her cell phone and read her textbook during this time. At the end of the week, she realized that the time in the car was 50-75 minutes of reading time!

Likewise, a father carried 10 flashcards each day in his pocket. He took 5 minutes on each of his breaks at work to review the cards. He found that he retained so much more information by taking 5 minutes here and there to review concepts. Tips like this help students balance school, work, family, and other life demands.

In this post, you will:

  1. Explain time management in your own words.
  2. Explain how a person truly knows if he or she manages time well. What evidence supports the idea that someone manages time well?
  3. Provide at least two time-saving tips that you use/ have used at school, at work, or in life, and explain how they have helped you.
  4. Explain how “I need” statements can help with time management.

For your follow-up, please respond to at least two posts. In the posts, select at least one of the tips, and either share experiences that you have had with the tip, or explain how you could use the tip / modify it to help you.

View your discussion rubric.

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