Writing Analytical Essay
Analytical essay writing is understood as a research method that allows you to study specific parts of an object. Besides, analytical essays do analyze a specific problem in a topic, that is, consider the problem itself and identify patterns in it. The object of analysis can be a well-known or little-studied scientific phenomenon, scientific or artistic work, a historical event, a social problem, or something else. Analytical Essay Topic Selection and Object Of Study The content of the analytical essay ...
Research Hypothesis
The research hypothesis in thesis acts as the most valuable methodological tool of the ongoing research. A hypothesis is an assumption that follows from a theory. The existence of such an assumption, indicated in the introduction of the thesis, has not yet been proven and experimentally disproved. The author only has to successfully discover its truth or prove falsehood throughout the entire research work. What is a Research Hypothesis? A hypothesis acts as a statement in which the presence or existence of a relationship between several ...
How to Write a Medical Literature Review
Medical literature review is a systematized description of the main postulates of information sources used to write a dissertation on a selected medical problem. Why is a literature review of medicine needed? The main goal of the literature review is a detailed analysis of previous studies of domestic / foreign scientists in the area under consideration, necessary to identify "gaps" / shortcomings in the relevant medical industry. The author's task is to reasonably substantiate the rationality of future research, proving ...
How to Write a Research Paper
Research paper work can be of two types: Abstract; Research An abstract is explained as a study on a narrow research topic, involving several published scientific papers. The abstract implies the analysis of various points of view on the research topic contained in these scientific works and, as a final result, the development of your own point of view on the problem. Research paper work is a study on a narrow topic, involving not only scientific literature, but also documentary sources, both published ...
Annotated Bibliography
An annotated bibliography is an expanded version of a regular bibliography –those lists of sources that you find at the end of a research paper or book. The difference is that an annotated bibliography contains an additional feature: a paragraph or annotation under each bibliography entry. The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the articles and books that have been written on a particular subject. When you are required to write an annotated bibliography, you are likely to be asking ...
Writing Abstract Conclusion
Abstract conclusion usually consists of a summarizing paragraph and conclusions based on the goals and objectives of the research. This is the most important part of the work, summarizing all the material presented before. The results should be summed up in your own words, and not direct quotes from the previous text. The formulation must include the justification for the judgments expressed in the work. For a better perception of the material, it is advisable to write conclusions in a ...
Nursing Dissertation Writing
A nursing dissertation writing is a large-scale academic work based on original research, sometimes presented as part of a doctoral, master's, or bachelor's work. This article will help you understand exactly what you should include in your work. Defining the Structure of Your Dissertation Not all dissertations are structured the same - the form in which you conduct your research will depend on your discipline, topic, and approach. For example, dissertations in the humanities are often structured as long essays, ...
Scientific Article Writing Requirements
Primarily, scientific article writing requirements depends on where the article will be published. When it comes to university collections, student publications, and so on, the rules may not be as strict as in the case when the material is planned to be published in a serious academic journal. For the publication of scientific articles in publications that are recommended, the text of the research must meet strict requirements. Moreover, the prescriptions relate to both content and external design. Scientific Article Writing ...
Scientific Article Writing Methodology
Scientific article writing methodology is important not only for university professors or graduate students. Modern students carry out a lot of research in the course of their studies, the most voluminous of which are diploma and term papers. Besides, students often take part in academic conferences, scientific readings, and academic competitions. To become a participant in such events and be among the authors of the collection of abstracts, which is almost always published as a result of such conferences, a ...
How to Avoid Plagiarism?
Scientists can avoid plagiarism with proper preparation, a good understanding of the subject, contributions to useful and unique research, adding the right citations, and finally checking the article for plagiarism. Before submitting your next manuscript for publication, ask yourself the following questions and find out if you are the original author of your article. 1. Do I understand the topic well? When you understand a subject well, you are less likely to use the other person's words and ideas. Before you ...