First draft (4 pages). It should in­clude: an introduction where you analyze a process or problem (“why”), a thesis you are planning to use (tentative answer to your “why” question), the beginnings of an ar­gument with supporting evi­dence, and a preliminary bibliography of sources. Part of this first draft may be in outline form.

Your paper needs to include the following elements.

1. A possible explanation (hypothesis) regarding a particular process or problem based on your understanding of the relevant issue, time period, and region.

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2. Data and information to support your hypothesis.

3. Analysis of how your evidence supports your hypothesis and explains the process or problem you are tackling in the paper.

Keep in mind that some countries in existence today did not in earlier times, and some that existed before have changed or disap­peared. In the spirit of the course, your paper should provide an analytical answer to your why question and go beyond a simple description of events. You already wrote the why question for me some days ago, now you need to write the first draft of it.

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