I hit the button too quickly and did not invite only you and then accepted and the instructor responded with this below. I am going to attach the original request and what the other person did, If you can make these changes as well. Thank you

Attempt 1 has been evaluated

Evaluated Assessment File

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Includes a link to the scoring guide and any additional faculty feedback.

Overall Comments:

Hello Felicia,

This is a good choice of case for the topic of contract law, but I did not see a citation to the published court opinion. There should be a cite to the entire decision, not just a case summary.

Please see feedback on the scoring guide.

It is my understanding that the submission in Unit 1 will be cleared because you mistakenly submitted this assignment there.

Best regards,


COMPETENCY:Develop information literacy skills as applied to business law.

CRITERION:Exhibit information literacy skills as applied to business law.






Exhibits inconsistent information literacy skills as applied to business law, or uses sources of questionable credibility.

Faculty Comments:“Information literacy is exhibited in choosing an appropriate case, but a court is not identified. To go directly to the official court opinion, choose one of resources listed in the instructions. (You have to click on “see more”) Do not use “case summaries” because they can be incomplete and/or inaccurate. ”

COMPETENCY:Articulate the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of law in a business environment.

CRITERION:Articulate the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of law in a business environment.






Elaborates on the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of law in a business environment.

Faculty Comments:“You elaborated on the importance, context, purpose, and relevance of Northrup Corp v. Litronic Industries, but in a Basic way because some information is missing. What court decided the case? This has applicability to business because the court determines the jurisdiction in which the decision is made and whether it has applicability to a particular business. Also, what was meant by different terms? If terms are different, what does that mean for the contract? This isn’t explained, What was the effect of the time lapse? ”

COMPETENCY:Evaluate the role of contracts in commercial transactions.

CRITERION:Evaluate the role of contracts in commercial transactions.






Does not summarize the role of contracts in commercial transactions.

Faculty Comments:“You began to summarize the key judicial concept regarding “different terms” but did not complete the analysis. What is the effect of the different terms? What does it mean if the offeree does not “accede” to the offerer’s terms? What is the legal result of this? ”

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