Save your rough draft with the title Rough Draft. You will not submit those rough drafts, but you will include those in your word count. See Word Count in module

This will be included in your essay.

  • Title page with Title Image – Between 4-6 required additional images
  • Summary Statement (see instructions)
  • Narrative Essay
  • Outline Organization
  • Works Cited in MLA format showing all
  • All the Rough Notes – These are any notes you have taken or sketched (scanned and added) etc. These are not graded but serve the purpose of accreditation for your original creation.

Final Submission

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On or before the due date, you will submit one long document that contains the following In This Order



Final Exam

Total Word Count – including all notes, drafts, works cited – This is VERY important


The image you selected at the beginning of the semester

Summary Statement (see instructions)

Essay + At least 1 title image and 4-6 additional images

Outline Organization in detail

Works Cited in MLA format in proper format – see easybib tutorials

All Rough Notes – Again, you do not have to add the actual rough drafts. Only the notes. I do not grade these notes. They are added at the bottom for the accreditation of your essay.

The Narrative Final Exam Essay

What is the Summary?

OVERVIEW: The summary is the document that is added just below the title, title image. The summary is one paragraph possibly 2. There are about 80-100 words in the summary.

You may wish to name this the Summary, Forward, Prelude, Once Upon A Time or any other creative title you would like.

The purpose of the Summary is to provide the reader with the following information:

  • A one sentence summary statement about the story.
  • A short motif description – the world of the story. Where are you taking the reader?
  • A short introduction to the main characters in the story
  • In the end, these characters learn a valuable lesson that is… (thematic statement)
  • The journey of the story involves the repetition of a symbol that represents the journey.
  • A short statement about what you would like the reader to take away from the story.

So you basically have to make up a story that contains synthesis writing. The story has to correlate with the image I am going to provide. Let me know if you have any questions. She did not tell us how long the essay should be, but the more the better. The beginning of the story should start off like this.

I want to start off the story by a group of people or maybe a couple characters who are fanatics of nascar racing. In that group, there is one phenom named Cody, who is known to be considered the greatest nascar driver the world has ever seen. With his stunning performances and his charismatic style, he is on the correct path to achieving that milestone. Throughout the story, I want to add a character who is very jealous and very selfish of Cody who is on the path to greatness. His name is Dylan.

With that being said, he goes through desperate measures to ruin not only the life of the phenom, but also the peoples around him. Ready to come up with a plan to destroy Cody’s life, Cody realizes the situation but does not think its too serious.


Let me know if you have any questions!

It is also due on May 29th so you have some time but the sooner the better!

Also I would like it to be atleast 2-3 pages minimum! Please!

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