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Write a paper about Gender Roles in The Media that takes position on the issue researched. you will use your research findings for this paper. You can also use some relevant examples from the three stories provided below. your research finding should be about the media in the U.S. Remember a “position” doesn’t need to offer a solution or take a definitive stance; it may simply report a problem. An argument you can fully support in just four pages.


The successful paper will likely be 4 pages in Times New Roman 12 Inch Font. It will need to correctly cite, summarize, and paraphrase passages from the source in correct MLA format, and it will not misrepresent the idea of the sources.

You need to include points from these two articles (brief examples will be sufficient).

The Last Leaf: http://www.classicshorts.com/stories/lastleaf.html

Désirée’s Baby: http://www.katechopin.org/pdfs/desirees-baby.pdf

***** You need to include supporting points from the attached files (talk more in depth about these ones). ******

*Make sure you cite all information you include from the article*



As my research demonstrates, american mass media stereotype men and women when it comes to appearance, mental abilities, family roles, and personality.



Works Cited

Bunker, David, and James Bryson. “Gender and the Media.” International Journal of Market Research, vol. 58, no. 3, July 2016, pp. 355-379. EBSCOhost. Retrieved from: http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=1&sid=bed77134-6ef1-4eeb-97b2-69e942a9c538%40sessionmgr4009

Gender Roles and Media Images “Gender Roles and Media Images: Girls and Media Dreams and Realities.” (2014). pp. 2-4. Accessed at:http://www.cityupress.edu.hk/Template/Shared/previewSample/9789629372262_preview.pdf

Wood, Julia. “Gendered Media: The Influence Of Media On Views Of Gender.” Department of Communication, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 7 (1994): pp. 31-39. Web. 29 July 2018. Retrieved from: https://www1.udel.edu/comm245/readings/GenderedMedia.pdf

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