Take a look at the Top 20 Employee Benefits & Perks for 2017by Glassdoor.

couple with laptop

The following employers are listed (No. 1 is the top employer):

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  1. IKEA
  2. Reebok
  3. Bain & Company
  4. Goldman Sachs
  5. Facebook
  6. Scripps Health
  7. Starbucks
  8. American Express
  9. Eventbrite
  10. Whole Foods Market
  11. In-N-Out
  12. Deloitte
  13. Gap Inc.
  14. Microsoft
  15. Swiss Re
  16. Amazon
  17. USAA
  18. Southwest
  19. Genetech
  20. Timberland
  • Select one of these employers that you have not studied before and conduct research on the total rewards they offer and how they evaluate the effectiveness of those offerings. If you cannot find how the specific employer evaluates their programs, then research and discuss best approaches to evaluate their offerings.

Present your findings in one of the following ways:

  • A presentation of 10-12 slides, with either voice-over on the slides, or with detailed notes included with your slides.
  • A 4-page brochure
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