Reviewing and discussing what you find in 3-4 peer review journals. The purpose of this project is to teach your peers about a concept, speech/voice instrumentation, or review emerging research related to a speech and voice science topic area. This project is intended to allow you to explore a topic of personal interest with additional depth than our textbook and in-class activities allow. It may be a clinical application (e.g., electropalatrography, spectrographic feedback for accent modification), an area of exploratory or recent relevant research (e.g., voice synthesis, acoustic measures of the phonatory system), or an aspect of emerging technology or instrumentation (e.g., advances in cochlear implantation, transcranial magnetic stimulation).

Try not to limit your search to the minimum number required resources, rather explore the literature over the next few weeks to identify topics of interest in this early phase of the project. but you may discover an area of emerging research that interests you by becoming familiar with topics discussed in journals relevant to our field. Peer-reviewed journals are excellent sources for supplemental research for either the clinical application or poster project.

Intermix some review of definitions or speech and voice science terms in your project. The presentation can focus on what you learned from your research and reading these sources. This will allow you to keep linking what you have learned about speech science concepts as they related to prosody and hearing to reinforce for you and your peers our Speech and Voice Science learning outcome. – which is a major component of this project! The project should be about 4-5 pages excluding the reference page.

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