Assume that you want all users to have access to the corp_phones file. In this project,you first

grant access to your home directory. Next, you allow access to the corp_db directory, and

then set the permissions for everyone to read the corp_phones file. You use the chmod

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command with the x argument to grant access to directories.

To change file and directory permissions:

  1. Make certain that you are in your home directory. (Type cd and press Enter.)
  1. Type clear and press Enter to clear the screen.
  1. Type chmod go+x ~ and press Enter to allow access to your home directory.

This command means “make your home directory (~) accessible (+x) to the group (g)

and others (o).”

  1. Type chmod ugo+x ~/corp_db and press Enter to allow access to the corp_db


This command means “make the corp_db directory accessible (+x) for the owner (u),

group (g), and others (o).”

  1. Type chmod o+w ~/corp_db/* and press Enter to set permissions so that others

can write to the files in the corp_db directory. (Owner and group already have write

permission by default.)

This command means “make all files in the corp_db directory so that others (o) can

write (+w) to them.”

  1. Type ls -l ~/corp_db to check the permissions you have set.


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