Your final paper is drawn from Rusche and Jason’s (2011) work on using guided inquiry to promote student learning and self-knowledge.

Instructions: Please compile all of your reflections and questions in chronological order (from first to last). Treating these writings as data, think about them as a larger unit. Look for patterns such as how you ask questions or synthesize readings and how your questions and reflections have improved and deepened intellectually. Picking up on patterns in content or interest are all appropriate and likely findings (among others). Even missed reflections (i.e., you didn’t submit one is information! What happened here? How did this gap impact your overall learning, etc.?). A good way to see the patterns is to ask questions about the data you are observing. Once you begin to see patterns, give examples that show that these patterns “fit” the data. That is, explain how you know that this pattern is present by using examples from your writing.

The goal of this reflection exercise is for you to take a hard look at your learning processes and critical thinking skills. How are your more recent reflections and questions different from earlier ones? Are they better? More thought provoking? Less interesting? Why? Did you begin to answer your own questions as you learned? Do you seem particularly interested in one aspect of sociology or social life? Is this realization surprising? Why? What lessons from sociology do you think you will carry with you after our time together comes to a close? How will you use what you’ve learned in this class in your professional and personal life? To be sure, I do not want your essay to be a laundry list of answers to these questions I have posed. These are just some examples—some guides—to get you thinking. A true analytic reflective essay will require you to ask your own questions and to determine your own conclusions about what is going on in your writings, based, of course, on what you have learned about sociology, society, and yourself. The authors of the very best essays will take this reflective process quite seriously.

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c2 (Methods)

Jun 21, 2018 10:15pm

Melissa Peck

The critical points of the chapter is the different methods used for sociology, inductive noticing if a change observed in two things and deductive to prove if the theory is right, correlation vs. causality changes and results in factors. You want to use quantitative and qualitative both as much as possible, the difference is that one gets more in depth then the other. Over all making sure you have good research to follow through.

What struck me about this chapter is how the finding can be from many different ways of methods to come to a finale result.

When do you figure out that your done the research if there is no real finalized answer like scientist get.

Conley c1 (Sociological Imagination)

Jun 20, 2018 9:17pm

Melissa Peck

The most critical points of this chapter is that the study of sociology is of the society as a whole. That even though something might seem simple and relevant because people aren’t predictable sociologist have to look for patterns. Sociologist have to understand the greater social context. What struct me the most is how much we define the sociology by our layers tell us more than people realize when actually paying attention to our patterns. How much does our daily life and history defines sociology.

Conley c3 (Culture/Media)

Jun 28, 2018 9:26pm

Melissa Peck

The most important points in this chapter is culture that rationalizes our behavior that describe people and patterns. How we as people view things from our own culture instead of as whole. Media is how we communicate info whether it is through book, poster or even the web like face book gets to a massive number of people at once. The world today is shaped by the media that shows things that the dominant culture wants you to see so that we shape to it.

The thing that struck me most is how much as people we have let media shape our culture some how. Whether its just that you enjoy face book and not realize it’s shaped you or that reading all books you want and one will change you some how.

Things have changed with media and culture is the internet and televisions our big shaper now a days where back in the day they had to go by word of mouth or read about it when printed.

Conley c3 (Culture/Media)

Jun 28, 2018 9:26pm

Melissa Peck

The most important points in this chapter is culture that rationalizes our behavior that describe people and patterns. How we as people view things from our own culture instead of as whole. Media is how we communicate info whether it is through book, poster or even the web like face book gets to a massive number of people at once. The world today is shaped by the media that shows things that the dominant culture wants you to see so that we shape to it.

The thing that struck me most is how much as people we have let media shape our culture some how. Whether its just that you enjoy face book and not realize it’s shaped you or that reading all books you want and one will change you some how.

Things have changed with media and culture is the internet and televisions our big shaper now a days where back in the day they had to go by word of mouth or read about it when printed.

Conley c4 (Socialization/Social Construction of Reality)

Jun 28, 2018 10:25pm

Melissa Peck

Important point is how socialization help us develop from self to I then to me and other last generalized other to help discover our personality. Socialization also has a role in our culture and our day to day life as person. The factor that we have to distinguish what is real and fake also how the internet and technology changed interaction like instead of talking over the phone or face to face people txt so you read it for what it is you don’t have voice cues or face recognition.

the way that socialization helps us to develop our personality and to distinguish our self from others even when I took my development class I didn’t add in the social interaction that helps us develop personality and culture.

How much has the internet and technology really effect the people now a day compared to when you just went to a friends house to talk or picked up a house line using face cues or voice cues.

Conley c6 (Deviance/Social Control)

Jul 5, 2018 9:29pm

Melissa Peck

The critical part is social deviance which is and trouble you get in from minor to breaking the law. Social control is when you follow the rules and groups norms.

What struck me was is how much this reminds me of society primary and secondary deviance like when they say once you go to jail for awhile and get out you are eventually gonna mess up to go back in.

Why does the past of someone or group affect you in the future?

Conley c7 (Inequality)

Jul 12, 2018 8:44pm

Melissa Peck

The critical part of this chapter is stratification is the inequality that exist in society. How things haven’t completely gone away and even though we claim equality it isn’t.

How people that don’t work still place apart in making money. How people usually follow their parents whether your wealth or poor.

Has our world really became about who you know to get where you would like to go?

Conley c8 (Gender)

Jul 18, 2018 12:31pm

Melissa Peck

Critical point is gender is the social aspect and not female or male and can be from nature or nurture take place. Gender power of relationships.

Most struck me was that you were a man whether male or female in Antient Greece. Also how 1 or 2 out of 1000 are ambiguous organs and parents or doctor decides gender.

My question is how giving power to men going to help incest ?

Conley c9 (Race)

Jul 18, 2018 11:48am

Melissa Peck

The critical point is race and how its changed over time like back in the day race had nothing to do with skin color like today. It had to do with categories like religion and body parts or even by your environment. Also after so long discrimination took over race.

I struck we as people have changed it over time by skin instead and let people in charge change race meaning when immigration started.

My question would be how can we change race back to the meaning before 1700’s instead of now where it’s by skin?

RR10: Social Institutions (Family, Education, Capitalism and the Economy, Authority and the State, and Religion)

Jul 26, 2018 11:33pm

Melissa Peck

The most critical point is to show that there is more to schools then just learning and how they socialize. Also how differences with in schools can affect outcomes like size of classes. How our personal life outside plays a role like what class money wise.

What struck me most is how the media how they don’t tell the full story like the test scores.

My question would be when will education of children be put towards the top with money and all instead of being pushed to the side. Like when they say they are bring casinos in for revenue to help schools they should do so.


Critical point is how social movements like protest to make change and bring people together collaborate to try and make change but this can also go and the group weakens over time. Also identity and how we have to talk about different things that we are part of and to describe that person.

How many different types of social movements and the effort that goes into some of them.

My question is how much does the social movements effect people.

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