Students will write a 12-font size, Times New Roman font style, double-spaced
analysis of semester-long research on the student’s ethnic issue of choice. Write about
any topic (sports, business, politics, military, health) that has current ethnic issues;
biographies are allowed
. Explain the issue and where you stand on it and why. Citations
must be made, but they may be in MLA, APA, or Chicago Style. Books and/or scholarly
articles must make up the majority of your sources; scholarly works have footnotes or
endnotes, and many scholarly articles have titles like
Journal of
_____ .
The cover page
(if you choose to use one) does not count as the first page, and the “bibliography” or
“works cited” page does not count as the tenth page.
You may use only
one block-paragraph (more than four lines long)
for quoting in the
paper; the quote may not take up half the length of a page (ten lines of text).
Examples of
possible topics include the following
: a specific ethnic group’s health concerns; how
one particular sport accomplished desegregation (not just one person integrating one
team, but all teams desegregating); the development and evolution of a specific ethnic
group’s musical genre, or a specific ethnic group’s influences in a musical genre; the
status of a specific ethnic group’s roles in stage plays, in television programs or in motion
pictures; a specific ethnic group’s opportunities/concerns in the military; a specific ethnic
group’s opportunities/concerns in politics; a specific ethnic group’s issues concerning
religion; a specific ethnic group’s issues concerning public polic

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