
    • Electronic device (cell phone)
    • Pen
    • Paper
  • The Exercise
    • List all incoming and outgoing phone calls from your personal cell phone logs for the last 6 hours. Identify any patterns of phone calls that could be used for investigative purpose.
    • List all incoming and outgoing text messages from your personal cell phone logs for the last 6 hours. Identify any patterns of text messages that could be used for investigative purposes.
    • Assume you were questioned by your professor regarding your whereabouts when an assignment was submitted online last night around 10:00 pm. Using your cell phone, document any information that could be used to verify your location and actions. Remember you can use all applications installed on the phone (phone logs, text messages, Facebook, GPS, etc.).
    • Describe your findings in a lab report. Your sample will be your cell phone, your procedures the apps/texts/calls you use. Your results will be the justification of your “alibi”. Include pictures.
    • Write the report

    check this file too i upload it on Google because of the size

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