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The assignment addresses Intersectionality and the social worker’s role in addressing oppression from both a personal perspective and professional perspective.

Students will be assigned groups randomly through Blackboard. Each group member will choose one of the following:

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● Race (Racism) / Colourism

An article on intersectionality will be provided as foundational support to review your ‘ism’.

In-Class Instructions:

1. Students will break up into groups according to their “isms”

2. Students will be asked to explore and analyze an “ism” through the lens of intersectionality during their in-class group discussion.

3. Students are required to find a peer reviewed article in addition to the article provided on Blackboard. These 2 articles will support your analysis of your “ism”

4. Students should read the articles in preparation for the in class group discussion

5. The following questions will assist you in your exploration during your group discussion:

a. What did you notice during class about your “ism” and its relationship to the dominant ideology?

b. Identify how intersectionality is related to your “ism.”

c. Identify any themes about similarity/differences related to your “ism?

d. What challenged you as you explored and discussed your “ism?”

e. How will these ‘knowing’s’ impact your social work practice?

6. Please take notes for you posting for the write up portion of this assignment

Write-up Instructions:

1. Students will post a 1 page write up on Blackboard based on their group discussions

2. Ensure to explore/discuss the “ism” and its relationship with the theory of intersectionality using the 2 peer reviewed articles discussed in groups.

3. Students may write in 1st person as this is a summary of what was discussed in groups and what you may have learned during your discussion

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