Marcia Stapleton    4 posts   Re: Topic 1 DQ 2  Another “cultural” type barrier to EBP in clinical settings is our preference for humans  as our information source. When working in a clinical setting and there are more experienced nurses around us, most nurses default to asking the more experience nurse what to do in a clinical situation.  The more experienced nurse might have experience with the situation, but is it evidence-based?  Even when textual information was accessible in a clinical situation, it was shown that nurses preferred other nurses as a resource over the textual resource (Thompson, 2004).  This is seen over and over in the patient care setting.  When we are wondering how to deal with a situation, we just ask a nurse we think has dealt with the situation, and consider them the expert or the evidence-based research.  As a clinical nurse leader, I field many questions each day.  In order to move towards an evidence based practice, I must direct the nursing staff to the research related to the question.  Reference:  Thompson, C. (2004). Nurses, information use, and clinical decision making–the real world potential for  evidence-based decisions in nursing. Evidence-Based Nursing. Retrieved from WORK ON THIS AND PROVIDE INTEX CITATION AND APA RERENCE MUST INCLUDE DOI OR RETRIEVED FROM

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