Consider the following quote ÿ?The gap between the rich and poor in the United States ?has been widening for some time. In recent years, the gap has been the widest since our government began to keep records on it in 1947? (eText, p.143).ÿ For example, one report states that:ÿ?Since 2009, 95% of U.S. economic gains have gone to the wealthiest 1% of the population? (?Income Inequality: Why Does the Gap Keep Widening??ÿThe WeekÿFeb. 7, 2014).Discuss the growing income inequality in the U.S. and the world with someone mature enough to have some perspective from experience about it.ÿ Ask them what they think about the widening gap between the rich and the rest of us in America, as our course materials speak of this problem.ÿ How has the economic trend for middle class Americans affected them?ÿ How as it affected you? After all do bonded slaves in India effect you in the USA?references:

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