REPLY TO MY PEER DISCUSSION POSTS (2) WORD COUNT OVER 200- ariel alfreadGood evening class mates,When an experiment is conducted there are various amounts of conditions that the variables will undergo based on the specifics of that particular trial.  The design of an experiment is the general formation that is determined by the hypothesis made. Some key points when it comes to the design of experiments are the number of independent variables present, the number of treatment conditions, and whether or not the same or different subjects are used in the treatment regimen. “Prior research, the kind of information the researcher is seeking, and practical problems in running the experiment will also influence the choice of design” (Page 262). Between subject designs is a type of study design that different people are to test the various conditions, however it will only expose one condition per person. Based on the information presented in the textbook, an experiment requires various amounts of participants that will undergo various amounts of conditions in order to achieve the best understanding of the experiment and overall outcome. With between subject designs analyzing and researching on a singular level will also conclude a certain perspective. An example is if one group is exposed to one particular weight loss program whereas the other group is exposed to multiple weight loss programs.An advantage of between subjects design is the researcher can feel confident in understanding that the differences that are detected are based on the singular exposure within the experiment. A disadvantage of between subject design is that it will require many participants due to the fact that their conditional exposure is so limited. In order to gain the most successful understanding, there would need to be a large number of participants.Best,ArielA.Word Count: 300Citations: Myers, A., & Hansen, C. H. (2012). Experimental psychology, 7th ed. Wadsworth Cengage,-Cierra DonezWeek 3 DiscussionThis week’s discussion is based on between subject designs. Between subject designs are basically the materials used throughout on experiment that we use by making comparisons between different groups (Mayers & Hansen, 2012). With this whole Covid-19 pandemic going on, I’m going to use part of it as my example of what between subject designs are. Everyone has their own opinion as to whether they are all for getting the Covid-19 vaccine or not. I hear people all the time saying how getting the vaccine prevents you from getting the coronavirus. That I have to say is false. As far as I am aware of, there are 3 different types of vaccines for the coronavirus. The Pfizar, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson are the three vaccines I have heard about. The example of between subject designs would be to have a group of individuals take the Pfizar vaccine, another group take the Moderna, and a third group of individuals take the Johnson & Johnson. After all, three groups took their vaccine we would then compare each group and find out how each vaccine effected each group of people. We could compare all the side effects, the ingredients, the strength of how fast the vaccine took to come into effect, and most importantly how effective it was. By comparing each group of individuals, it will give us the chance to draw conclusions based off of the experiment conducted. After reading about between subject designs I feel lie it could be really useful in any type of experiment. In my opinion it makes since to have between subject designs because it can help you better understand the experiment and what you’re trying to exceed based off of the hypothesis of the experiment being done,References: Myers, A. & Hansen, C. (2012). Experimental psychology (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage LearningWord Count: 312

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