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The transformational leadership recognized the work that provides a purpose that gives their employees pride and accomplishment (DelHousaye,2016). Servant leadership focus is serving others and that service is a path that connects us to Spirit and empowers us. A servant leader understands the nature of the right he has been given to influence and accomplish tasks that have been given to him. It is important to understand one’s position and the nature of authority. Servant leadership cannot be exercised without full knowledge of the position, and the authority that has been entrusted to exercise it (DelHousaye,2016).

Servant leadership works best to approach these tasks because successful leaders serve others. According to Chip Bell, “The leader’s role is to support and serve employees. They run interference and get the resources that they need to provide effective care. It means trying new techniques, promoting teamwork, and planning well.” Staff can feel empowered and more likely to follow a leader that has listened to them, empathized, and provided opportunities for growth.

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Original Question:

How do servant leaders, as compared with leaders using the transformational model of leadership, manage organization dynamics and lead change to ensure that the continued success of the stakeholders will be served? Is servant leadership or transformational leadership the best approach to these tasks? Why?

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