Answer the following question:

Why is assessment important when determining the communication needs of an individual with ASD? What might happen if an appropriate assessment was not conducted prior to selecting the AAC? Why is this a concern?

Respond to student discussion board. Do NOT mix student discussion with the question:

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Response#1:(Laura) An Augmentative and Alternative Communication AAC assessment is important to help determine which aided or unaided devices to use, strategies, and techniques recommended to make the best use of the communication device that match the fit for that students’ communicative needs. By the same token, one way of determining the desired outcome of an assistive device is to conduct a needs assessment. The needs identification process will determine the individual’s needs and goals and will provide a basis for the assistive technology intervention. Identifying the needs of the consumer is the most critical component of the service delivery process and is completed at the onset of the evaluation. The information collected during the need’s identification is the cornerstone for measuring the effectiveness of the final outcome. (Conference Proceeding, 1997) Therefore, a concern for not having an appropriate assessment conducted prior to selecting the AAC could be an individual might not understand how the device works.


Factors to consider when evaluating and implementing a computer based AAC integrated system with the active adult, 1997 Retrieved from

Response#2:(Jo)Assessment is essential when determining the communication needs of an individual with ASD as it concludes comprehensive data that is necessary in order to develop an appropriate program. Prior to formal assessments, the team of professionals should gather information related to the clients/student’s educational, family, and social history, and the student’s communication needs and motivators (Gantz, 2014). Additionally, information on the student’s motor, cognitive, literacy, and communication skills are all critical to gather for the evaluator to determine an appropriate assessment tool (Gantz, 2014). If an assessment is incomplete, the individual with ASD may not receive an appropriate AAC device. Not receiving an appropriate AAC device is a concern as it will inhibit the student from being successful in all their environments. The student may become frustrated, which can lead to challenging behaviors or become isolated. It is vital to assess a student accurately in order to provide that student with a form of communication that will foster success in all environments.


Gantz, J.B. (2014). Aided augmentative communication for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Response#3:(ZH) Assessments are very important in order for the student to gain access to the right communication device. Assessments also give the team information on strategies and techniques that the student would benefit from. We want our students to be able to communicate in a functional way that will create independency and success in their post-secondary lives. All of the practice and skills taught up to that point are just preparation for the student’s abilities and success later in life. Assessments are important because they can create a more accurate plan in order for the student to use an AAC device.

If an assessment that should have been conducted was not used, this could be a detriment for the student. Using an ineffective AAC does not help the student to functionally communicate. It could also end up being a waste of time for the student’s team and the students themselves because continual, unsuccessful trials will have to be made with new devices.

Ganz, J. B. (2014). Aided augmentative communication for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

* I have inceluded some articles for the assignment. Thanks.

Read “Interventions to Improve Communication in Autism,” by Paul, from Child and Adolescents Psychiatric Clinics of North America (2008).

Read “Communication Services and Supports for Individuals with Severe Disabilities: FAQs and Discussion,” located on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association website.

ad “Augmentative Communication Assessment Protocol for Symbolic Augmentative Systems,” by Gamel-McCormick and Dymond, located on the Virginia Department of Education’s Training and Technical Assistance Center at Old Dominion University website.

Read “Steps for Implementation: Functional Communication Training,” by Franzone, located on The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders website.

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